Browse Author: beakatude

Hello, my name is Mayor Beakatude.

Being on vacation has been the best. Jes has been building a computer and mounting his new TV on the wall these past couple days with his brother. He’s also been playing Half Life 2 on the new set-up…scary graphics. So, meanwhile, I’m playing Sim City 4 and having a ball. I named it Beak City and have high-rise condominiums and a casino in the hills. Waiting to build an airport as soon as I make enough money. Haha…I sound like such a dork.

Happy Winter Solstice!!

Now with all the PC stuff going on, some children aren’t singing Jingle Bells and not making Christmas stockings at school. Instead, they’re celebrating the coming of the winter season with no signs of red, green, or blue as their parents go to Starbucks for a hot cup of “Winter Blend”. It’s so sad.

Black Diamond?!

We took a road trip to Tahoe with the doggie in the backseat. It was pretty fun but the drive took 12 hours due to sucky LA traffic, some crazy fog on I-5, and a little detour to the Sacramento airport to pick up Jason. We went snowboarding and skiing at Kirkwood on Saturday with the group but ended up separated from the pack after getting tricked into going down a black diamond run. I tumbled down the hill quite a bit and couldn’t control my skis. When I got to the bottom, I discovered my right boot was unbuckled. NO WONDER!! Anyway, the rest of the day went just fine and Jes and I had a good time. Koa got to play in the snow, wrestle a black lab, and hardly ate. When we got home last night, he was pooped and went straight to bed. I guess we all had a crazy weekend.

One More Day!!

Gosh, I’m burnt out. I’m in dire need of a break and it’s only one day away!! Heading out for some skiing in Tahoe this weekend to celebrate Bangerang’s 30th bday and taking the pup with us. I can’t wait to see the doggie play in the snow…he’ll be so confused. Jes came home early yesterday and will be off for the next two weeks with me. Hooray! One more day…one more day…

Fireworks in December?

I had a nice weekend. It was a balmy 80 degrees on Saturday as we got our Christmas tree and Jes cooked a turkey dinner that night. We put up lights on our house this morning and Jay and Nikki, our neighbors, took us to Manhattan Beach Pier tonight to watch fireworks! Apparently, this is an annual thing. We walked along The Strand to check out all the nice beachfront houses and stopped at a place called Harvey Washbangers, a laundromat/pizza parlour…pretty neat concept. We then had dinner at Pancho’s for some Mexican food before dropping Jes off at LAX. Only 5 more days before Winter Break!! Yippee!!

I’m gonna be rich!

My brother introduced me to and I got my first 2 photos approved last week. You can look up my photos by searching by member (beakatude). I checked my account today and found out that someone has already downloaded one of my photos!! Woohoo! I’ve got $0.20 in my account and only $99.80 to go before I can cash out. The race to $100 is on, Brother!!