Browse Author: beakatude

Surprise! Spring is here!

When I woke up to the alarm at 6:30 yesterday morning, it felt like 7:30. The sun was shining through my window coverings and the birds were already tweeting. I did a double-take on the clock and thought, “Hm..that’s funny…what’s going on?” Well, it turns out that yesterday was the first day of Spring. Can you believe it?! I just went skiing yesterday in 30 degree weather!
At the school where I work, I’ve noticed quite a few caterpillars walking around. They’re actually quite cute – fuzzy and black all over with a red stripe down its back. Last Friday, I looked up outside my portable to find a bunch of them hanging from the ceiling. Hm…looks like their going to sleep. Well, when I got inside my office, I found one just like the others outside hanging upside-down from the handle of a Starbucks bag I had under my desk! When I got back this morning (Monday), it had turned into a chrysalis! Wow! I feel like I’m in 1st grade learning about nature for the first time! I wonder what kind of butterfly it will turn into. Jesse thinks it’ll be a moth but I don’t think so. I just wonder how he’s going to get outside once he’s emerged from his cocoon. I think I’ll name him…Spud.

Slushy but good

I went to Snow Summit with Jes and my brother today. We got up pretty early and was on the first lift by 9. The snow was pretty hard and loud at first but as the day went on, the snow got soft and powdery. By the end of the day, it was slushy but still good. I guess the worst part of the day was that my iPod crashed on the drive up. So, no music today…maybe that’s why it seemed like my skiing seemed louder than usual.

One Last Time

Over the past few years, Jes has accumulated a few toys that now sit around unused. These things include an extra bicycle, an extra iPod, and an extra car or two. Now that he’s in between jobs, he has the time to put these items up for sale and actually sold both the bike and iPod on eBay for more than he expected and then today he sold his RSX. We’re also getting rid of the CL on Saturday so by tomorrow, we will be a single-car family…at least until Jes finds a real job since I’m not sure how far this “sell-my-old-stuff” job can take him. Anyone looking for a Palm Tungsten? It’ll be up for auction on eBay very soon.
By the way, Jes parked the CL in the “premium spot” tonight for one last time. (see entry dated 03.09.05)

I’m here. I’m OK.

After a long conversation with a close friend over the phone last night, I realized that I’ve become a little hermit in my “hermit world”. I suppose it hasn’t felt like it to me since I’ve been spending more time with my immediate family who also live in Orange County. It’s been so long since I have been able to just stop by at a friend’s house to say, “hey, what are you doing?” For those who aren’t a five-minute drive away haven’t heard much from us, have only rumors to go by, and some are hurt or concerned that they never hear from me or Jes. I’m here, guys. I’m OK. Jes and I have been living day-to-day and don’t use the phone much with the exception of calling to say “I’m coming home”. I suppose it’s time to reach out to friends just for the sake of reaching out. I guess I’ve taken them all for granted and assume that they’re all busy and the next time we see each other that all will be the same with just a few hours of catching up. I often wonder what they are all up to and my friends actually do wonder about me too. OK…I understand now. I’ll be a better friend.

The Circle of Life

I had an eerie weekend. On Saturday morning Jes and I attended a funeral for a high school friend’s dad who passed away earlier this week. He was only 61 and left behind a wife and 2 daughters. It was very sad. Meanwhile, I got to catch up with some other people from my past and found out that one is getting married in two weeks. Then, this morning I got a phone call from Marie, who announced that she had her baby boy on Friday afternoon! With all these life-changing events, I got an eerie view of how life goes through stages and just keeps moving on whether you’re ready for it or not. I think it’s mostly scary…but it’s pretty exciting at the same time…I can’t help wonder what’s going to happen next.

Congratulations to Marie & Kenji for their new baby boy, Cole Takumi Sumino.

Is it summer already?

It’s been so warm this week. What a bummer…I want more snow!!
Anyway, I got an email a couple days ago from KROQ saying that Jack Johnson is going on tour again. Jes and I saw him 2 summers ago in San Diego and it was a sweet concert. We had thought about seeing him in Hawaii over my spring break in April but he’s going to be performing practically in our backyard this year…nice. Pre-sale started on Wednesday and they go on-sale to the general public this Saturday. If you go to Ticketmaster today and enter the password: “DREAMS”, you can still get terrace seats. We got tickets for the Irvine Meadows concert on August 7th in the Loge Area. The tickets are kinda pricey at $40 each but he puts on a good show.