Browse Author: beakatude

Is it Spring Break yet?

This week has been crazy at work. So many reports to finish before Spring Break and I’m so burnt. I’m looking forward to a week of sitting, relaxing, and maybe some more skiing.

Spud has hatched!

This morning was tough…stupid Daylight Saving Time.
When I got to work today, I found a really pretty butterfly flying around the closed window. It was black with yellow and white markings. I checked under my desk and the chrysalis was open. It was Spud!! He’s a butterfly now! I watched him flutter around until he got stuck in the window sill. So, I pinched his two wings together and let him out the door. Off he flew up and away, ready to start his new life. Isn’t nature cool?

Butterflies everywhere!

Just got back from Mammoth. The snow was great and it was sunny and warm on Saturday. We tried riding June Mountain this time and it was nice. The runs were a little short but it was so empty! We also got to watch Johnny take the terrain park down but unfortunately one of the rails jumped up and bit him – leaving him with a nice scrape on his forearm and a week’s worth of whiplash.
Spring was definitely in the air this weekend…we saw lots of pretty wildflowers, geese flying back home, and ducks “gettin’ it on” in front of the Best Western. On our way there and back, we got up-close and personal with the new spring butterflies. They were splattered all over the windshield, stuck in the grill, and one even flattened onto one of the side mirrors.

Stupid ticker.

I’m in bed for a forced nap per the request of the husband. For the past few days, I’ve had some dizziness and/or lightheadedness. I went to work today feeling a little tired but treated a couple kids in the morning. Meanwhile, I was getting dizzy just watching the kids on the swing and having to get down on the floor and back up so quickly got me a little woozy. So, I went home. I can’t figure out what’s going on…is it my heart again? I’ve been feeling just fine with no palpitations but everyday things have been more taxing for me. Oh well, time to take it easy today.

Time really flies.

There’s a song on Jack Johnson’s new album called “Do You Remember?” It’s a little ditty of him reminiscing with his wife about how they met and how 10 years later they’re “still playing house”. That’s funny, Jes and I have been together for the past 10 years too. We took a stroll down memory lane last night as we read through my old journal entries from our college years. They gave us a few chuckles and sighs. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been a part of each other’s lives for that long. It gave me a little reminder how small our world was and yet it seemed so complicated. Now we’ve built a little “grown-up” world of our own and things seem a lot simpler than before.
This past Sunday, I also realized how long I’ve known his family. We hung out with his 3 younger cousins on Easter Sunday and boy oh boy have they grown! I can still remember when the youngest, almost 4 years old, wasn’t even born yet and the middle child, about 11, was the baby of the family. *sigh* Time really does fly.

Snort Snort

Early this morning, I was awoken by a strange snorting sound coming from Koa’s kennel. I got up thinking he was throwing up again but nothing came out. Later today, he tried to sniff something and started snorting again. I think he has a stuffy nose or maybe a doggie cold. It just seems a lot harder for him to breathe through his nose and he’s got stuff coming out of it. The vet said to just watch him for the next few days to see if he loses his appetite or gets lethargic. Nothing going on yet but that sound coming from his nose sounds really bad…poor doggie.