Browse Author: beakatude

shutterbug is feeling antsy

Last weekend my digital camera gave up on me. I bought it back in 2003 and almost 2 years later, the autofocus is no longer working. Is the life of a camera that short or did I just kill it by using it so much? Anyway, with 2 weddings and plans to go up to Napa this month, I’ve been feeling really antsy this week. I am back to my trusty 35mm SLR. I love my Nikon but there’s just something about digital photos that I’ve become fond of. Perhaps it’s the instant gratification of seeing your photos right away and maybe it’s the flexibility of taking whatever you want whenever. All I know is that I’m itching for a new camera and there are so many options! What is a shutterbug to do?
Speaking of weddings, we have Ti and Thilan’s this Saturday. People from all over are flying into town and we get to all hang out again. What’s special about this one is that Dayantha’s younger brother is marrying Huy’s younger sister…how sweet. It’s going to be huge considering both sides have lots of family and friends. It’ll also be interesting to see how they mesh Vietnamese, Sri Lankan, and Catholic cultures into one big celebration. Stay tuned…

just keep swimmin’, just keep swimmin’

I tried that swimming stuff again today. Since I’m in the middle of marathon training, I’m supposed to crosstrain…something about “protecting my knees” with low impact activities every other day. *sigh* What is THAT all about? Anyway, I’ve been meaning to start swimming for some time. Jes swims once or twice per week and makes it look so easy. Unfortunately, I am not as “ducky” as he is and feel like a drowning puppy. My first day in the pool was last Tuesday…it sucked. Today was my second day and it sucked just as much. I guess those lessons at CPE back when I was six years old didn’t do much for me. I can only complete 250 yards for now but maybe it’ll get better over time. I hope so…or I’m gonna quit this silly sport.

Happy 30th, Patty!!

This Saturday was Patty’s 30th Birthday! Johnny planned a little BBQ with all the fixings and we had a nice time eating, drinking, and catching up with old friends. Holly drove down with us, Patti and Howard were there sans Katie, and Joanne Tan was also there. We also saw some unexpected people. Sheree Shen was there with her husband and she’s expecting a baby soon…4 more months, I think. I hadn’t seen her since high school! I also met two of Patty’s friends who actually live down the street from me. That was kinda funny.
Their backyard is still under construction but the fire pit was done and was very cool. Mochi and Koa had a gay ol’ time chasing each other and jumping around the obstacles. They also went hunting for left overs on the floor, which made Koa throw up a ball of crap on the way home. That was not so cool.


I’m so tired. This month has been stupid busy and it’s only June 3rd. With the end of the school year approaching, I have a million parent conferences and reports to write. I’m so happy that it’s Friday and the workday is almost over.
Plans for the weekend: 1) I have 8 miles to run. 2) I’m going to Patty’s house to celebrate her 30th birthday. Gosh, one by one, they’re turning 30. Pretty soon it’ll be my turn. I think it’ll be fine. I’m healthy, still running, no major life issues, decent job, and I’m feeling young enough to play with kids. Can’t complain…yet.

Monterey – Day 3

On Monday, Day Three, we got up early and went for a 3-mile run along the water. It was such a nice day…it was sunny, a little breezy, and there was so much to see! Afterwards, we packed up, had another free breakfast, and drove to Pacific Grove to check out the coast (see photo on left). I had an interesting time trying to take scenic photos over there. It took forever to get a decent shot due to the many joggers/walkers along the path and the huge tour bus loaded with people with their own picture-taking agendas. Luckily we found a quiet spot where buses weren’t allowed down the street.
The drive home was OK. We decided to take the scenic route down the 101 this time. The ride was smooth all the way down until we got to Santa Barbara…stupid accidents. Once we got out of that fiasco, we stopped at the outlets for a bit of shopping and finally got to Cerritos to pick up the dog by 8. *sigh* It’s back to work on Tuesday.

Monterey – Day 2

Sunday, Day Two, started out with a free breakfast at our hotel since Jes is now a Platinum Member at Marriott. Haha. I guess all that travelling does have its perks sometimes. At about 10:30, we met up at Monterey Bay Kayaks, put on some wetsuits and life vests, and cast off into the bay. It was a really cool experience. The water was nice…not to cold and rather calm. We saw lots of seals and sea lions hanging out on the rocks. I saw a couple otters too!! That was the part I was waiting for and luckily I saw some before I got seasick, which happened shortly after and during. Here is the gist of it: “Hey, it’s an otter!..hold on, gotta puke real quick….OK, that’s better.” Unfortunately, this went on for the rest of the trip and as the seasickness worsened so did my paddling, which made it all worse. At one point, I was throwing up the strawberries I ate at breakfast, paddling furiously, and going around in circles. Poor Jes had to come to my rescue and tow me back to shore. What a mess. Fortunately, I still enjoyed the experience and got to see an otter floating in the water. Mission Accomplished!
Afterwards, we enjoyed some BBQ at a sidewalk fair near the hotel. Then we drove off to Carmel to hang out in the little artsy village that had a Coach Factory Store. It was a nice place to walk around and look at people. We also stopped to taste some Australian wine. There was a funny little beagel who was nice and rotund from being the official greeter of the winery. He has a neat little trick of getting up on his hind legs and begging until he gets a piece of your bread…clever little feller.