That was rough.
Fishie Massacre
Man, it’s September already.
You can call me Super Babysitter!
Marie had to go into the office today so she called me up this morning to see if I’d be willing to hang out with Cole for bit. I didn’t have anything planned so I thought, “sure, I’ll give it a try”. I got there around 12:30. Marie fed him before leaving and then it was just me and the baby.
It started out great at first. Cole was in a good mood having a full tummy and lots of energy. He hung out in this little walker/activity thing for about 30 mins while I worked on my website and chatted with Holly on the phone. I thought, “hey, this isn’t so bad”. But I thought too soon. He eventually got a little fussy so I had to hang up the phone and took him out of the walker and tried to entertain him.
Little by little, he got crankier and crankier until he was at a complete state of meltdown with tears and everything. I can tolerate crying like the best of them so I let him cry his poor little heart out for a good 20 minutes while I held him, swung him, bounced him, sang to him, and even changed his diaper. I eventually put him back in the walker to see if he could calm himself down but he was just too angry. He just cried and walked around in circles for a good minute. Then I gave in. I picked him up again and called Marie. I felt bad and thought there might be something wrong but by the time I got on the phone with her, he started to fall asleep on my shoulder. “Ah…all better. Into the crib you go!”
So Marie was able to work another 45 minutes and I got some quiet time to finish up my site until Marie came home. All is right with the world when you can get a good nap in. Gotta love the naps!
By the way, like the new beakatude site?
Let’s go!
With excitement over going to Thailand brewing, my dad and brother have decided to go with us. They booked flights on the same planes and everything! This is going to be awesome. We’ll have someone to help translate (my dad) and someone to drink with (my brother). It’s too bad that my mom can’t get the time off but now we have someone to look after Koa! 🙂
Preparation for Jes’ 3rd-ieth birthday party is underway. I went to Party City and Target with Marie and Cole yesterday for our weekly shopping excursion and bought lots of cool stuff. I was so surprised how everything starts to add up. But it’s his 30th so we’re going all out. Left on the list…1) order food, 2) buy some prizes, and 3) recruit people help me reserve the spot on Sunday morning. It’s just too bad that a bunch of friends will be out of town this weekend. They’re going to be missing out on a “batty” party! Hee Hee.
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