Browse Author: beakatude

Family Reunion

Ok…I may sound like a total loser saying this but this Dogster thing is actually kinda neat! I found Koa’s long lost brothers and sisters (Shaka) from his litter and some of Mochi’s siblings too (Nismo and Foxxy). We also added Koa’s mom (Cami) and dad (Kingo) to his list of “doggie pals”. It’s like a big family reunion! I also did a random search on the site and found another Shiba named Koa who lives in Irvine…cool.

playing games

I went out for sushi with Marie and Cole last night. Cole sat in the highchair for the first time and had a great time. He was perfectly happy shredding paper napkins and watching us eat. Well, tonight was a little different. Marie and I went to The Spectrum to walk around and decided to have dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. Well, he wasn’t liking the highchair so much this time so we ended up having to take turns eating and entertaining the little guy. It’s so funny how manipulative he can be at 8 months. I saw him cry, get picked up, and smile instantly. These babies pick these things up fast. It’s like he knows that adults don’t like crying in restaurants or something. Marie’s got a tough job.
By the way, check this out. I was doing some random search for Koa’s breeder and stumbled upon this site. Koa’s whole family is registered so I started a little page for him today. Click here to see his homepage. It’s just like Friendster for dogs…so funny.

Our 3rd/10th Anniversary

It’s been 3 years today that Jes and I tied the knot. It’s so weird because 3 years doesn’t seem very long considering that Jes and I have been together for 10 years. That anniversary passed just a week ago so our wedding anniversary sorta plays double-duty. Boy, things have really changed and evolved since our college days and we’ve gone through a lot of crazy stuff together. Unfortunately, we have to spend today apart because of a business trip that Jes had to take this week. Instead, I’m going out for sushi with Marie and Cole tonight since Kenji is also on a business trip this week. I get to relive my “consultant’s widow” life again for a couple days…time to catch up on my soap opera. Hee Hee.

trick or treat

I finally carved my pumpkin last night. We made the basic triangle eyes and nose and two buck teeth. Only difference was that Jes used his dremel for some of it…that was not pretty. Mary also came over last night to hang out with us. We had a small 9-lb turkey that’s been defrosting the fridge all week so Jes roasted it up and made all the fixins. I even made some homemade cranberry sauce…mmm…cranberry sauce. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas. They have to be my two most favorite holidays. This was just a preview of more things to come!
Today at school, the kids had a big Halloween carnival with games and prizes. They all dressed up and had a little parade on the blacktop. If I didn’t work with kids I think I’d almost forget it was Halloween. We bought some candy at Target yesterday just in case some kids came by…uh, we got one. Where are all the kids?! We certainly have a few living on our street but I guess they’ve gone elsewhere. My cousin was in Cerritos tonight and said that not many kids came by her house either. Hm… Oh well…they really missed out on the Batman Pez dispensers and Skittles that we have here! I suppose Jes will just have to stuff his face with chocolate and sugar this coming week. I don’t think it’ll be too difficult.

It’s been a while.

We met up with Dayantha, Huy, Ti, Thilan, Krishani, Derek, and Elise last night at Shark Club in Costa Mesa. The club was decorated for Halloween with plenty of people dressed up. The cover was pretty unreasonable but the price for a drink wasn’t so bad. All I know is that I had quite a few vodka tonics on an empty stomach and whew! I was nice and toasty by the end of the night and wide awake! You know…taking a nap before going out really helps. Anyway, we had fun and got to see some pretty skimpy costumes. Jesse always says that Halloween seems to bring out the “inner slut” in girls. It seemed rather true last night. Our waitress was a “slutty cop” and there were a bunch of just “slutty [fill in the blank]”. Girls get pretty creative and manage to hike up the hem lines and push up the boobs whenever possible. I suppose that’s why there were so many guys out last night…to check out the final package. Afterwards we stopped at Denny’s for some grease and sugar where the topic of conversation revolved around what Dayantha’s type was…pretty funny. Jes got us home in one piece and I slept in this morning with a headache and a couple trips to the bathroom to get rid of all that I had in my system. I made some coffee and rice porridge for breakfast and all is well in the world again. I can’t remember the last time I got this faded. Cheers and Happy Halloween!

wow…so many markers

Marie picked me up yesterday afternoon to go paper shopping with her. She’s starting a little invitations/baby announcments company out of her home and needed to find paper for her samples. So, with Cole in tow, we stopped at one place and it was shut down. Then we went to this other place in Irvine and it was so awesome! While Marie browsed the paper section, I took Cole around through the rest of the store. There were two aisles where every imaginable marker could be found. Do you need a Pentel marker in fine point in Burnt Sienna? They’ve got it. Need a permanent Sharpie-brand oil-based poster marker in baby pink? Yep, got that too. It definitely is an art student’s place to be. I so wish that I had the time and motivation to take some classes or just dabble in something. I suppose this website and my photography projects are enough for now. I’ve been wanting to sign up for a Chinese brush-painting class for over a year now but haven’t made the commitment. I’ve been thinking of taking a darkroom refresher course for two years now…still haven’t. I don’t get it. I guess by the time I’m done with work, I’m ready to just go home. Going to a 3-hour night class twice per week just doesn’t seem very appealing to me at the moment. Maybe I’ll take a short class next August when I won’t be working and won’t be at camp. That’s it…that’s what I’ll do.