Browse Author: beakatude

Don’t open the trunk!

We went to Tahoe this weekend for some fresh powder. Getting there was a bit hairy since the roads were icy and we had to put chains on Victor’s car. It took a little while but we finally got them on. Our condo wasn’t horrible but apparently it was too stinky for the Sokol-Juns and Misses Chan. They decided to pass on crashing on our floor and went to the Motel 6. Oh well.

The next morning we left for Kirkwood but Victor’s mudflap was falling off because there was something wrong with his chains. We had to make several stops before we decided it was time to just take them off. An hour and a half later we got stopped 0.5 miles away from the Kirkwood entrance to find out that they had closed the resort to any more visitors. Grrr…that meant turning around and heading over to Sierra.

Luckily, our half-day at Sierra was awesome and we salvaged the day. The snow was chunky but it made it a lot of fun getting down the mountain. I even learned how to turn on moguls using my ski pole…it was cool! Anyway, we had a great time but someone else didn’t do so well and had to be picked up by a helicopter in the middle of the run.

On Sunday, we went back to Kirkwood and lucked out on the road conditions. No chains needed!! It was pretty windy in the morning but we managed to have a great time anyways. The snow was so powdery and the gullies were a lot of fun. Victor and Jimmy also survived “The Wall” for the first time. Good job, boys! By noon there were only 3 runs open and it started to snow but we stayed long enough to enjoy it.

Overall, this weekend was really fun even though we spent quite a bit of time in the car and on the side of the road. Photos from the weekend are posted. I’ll have video clips posted soon. By the way, don’t open the trunk when the boards are on the rack. That will make Jimmy sad.

Lack of Trust

I’m so frustrated. Lately, I’ve been receiving some pretty deadly phone calls from parents who are either questioning my recommendations or asking for more services. *sigh* I don’t get it. Never in my four and a half years as an OT have I been challenged so frequently and so aggressively. I may not have the wrinkles to show for 10+ years of experience but I can confidently say that I know my sh*t. (excuse me) I can’t stand it when parents ask me, “Do you have ANY experience in sensory integration?” or “Did you just graduate?” Grr…I feel like I need to post my resume on my forehead at parent meetings or give a Powerpoint presentation of my expertise in this area. Perhaps this is why my head has been hurting all week. I need to go skiing.


With Jesse’s help, I managed to get my photoblog up and running. It’s still testing and I’m still tweakin’ it but it’s working! Pixelpost is what I’m using and so far it’s a lot cooler than Blogger. I’m not sure how I will integrate this site with…still working that out.

Try out the comments feature, click around, and let me know if there are any bugs. Perhaps this will become a gallery of my rejected iStockphoto submissions. Enjoy!


Dude, Huy’s flying planes. It’s pretty cool but his photos make you wonder how he’s taking photos while he’s supposed to be flying the plane. He just sent us some photos from his training in Key West and boy oh boy is he making some guys jealous. Eat your heart out, Tom Cruise!

The Suminos

We had Marie, Kenji, and Cole over for dinner last night. I also got to take a nice family photo of them.