Browse Author: beakatude

so tired…

Since I no longer have access to Blogger at work, I thought I’d try the e-mail feature.

Anyway, we went for a short 3-mile run yesterday and nearly died…not really…but I felt pretty crappy. From the very start it was like running with 20 extra pounds on my legs and I got lightheaded at 2.3 miles that I had to just walk home. Boo…perhaps the bike ride the day before shocked my legs. All I know is that it’s taxing for me just to walk from my car to my portable. Pretty pathetic.

T-minus 2 hours before Spring Break starts!! The kids have a minimum day today and leave at 10:45. Awesome.

Touche Pussycat!

Lately I’ve been reminiscing, mostly to myself, about a certain cat and mouse cartoon that I used to watch as a kid. I went on to find my favorite episodes and found myself sitting at my work desk cracking up at the descriptions of each episode. How silly. But c’mon, if you ever saw the episode of Uncle Pecos visiting Jerry and pulling wiskers off of Tom for new gi’tar strangs, you’d laugh out loud too. All I know is that I have a sudden urge to buy one of their compilation DVDs, have my brother over for cereal, and sit in front of the TV for a couple hours watching Tom & Jerry cartoons under a fort built of sofa cushions and diningroom chairs.  By the way, Blogger has officially been blocked from my district network…boo…
One more thing…I went on a 22-mile bike ride with Jesse and Jay. Took the Garmin and it tracked my speed, distance, elevation, and everything else you can think of. When I plug it in and sync it, it looks up the temperature and wind speed for the time I was out there too. Ridiculous. It might as well measure the amount of sweat I produce. Anyway, I had a pleasant ride through Irvine and managed to get home in one piece. Riding with the clippies in isn’t as scary as it used to be.

Happy Beakatude

I spent this weekend doing many things but the general theme was “Making My Little World a Happier Place”.

Happy Heart: On Saturday morning, I went for a little jog with the husband and dog. The sun was out and my ticker was pumping away. A four-mile jog makes my heart happy.

Happy Fish: Back at home, I finally cleaned my poor fishie’s bowl by changing the water, cleaning up the gravel, and wiping the bowl clean. It was looking pretty sad with green algae growing all over it. The fishie was sad, the water was pretty stinky, and I could barely see him through the glass bowl. But now, with some special attention, the fishie’s bowl is squeaky clean, the water is fresh, and my fishie is swimming around as happy as can be.

Happy House: The next thing on the list was to clean my own house. Laundry had to be done and things needed to be put away. Winter is great with all the snow and skiing but the poor house sure does suffer when its owner is away every weekend. So, I finished 5 loads of laundry, swept the patio, and vacuumed the floors. Ah…a clean house is a happy house.

Happy Dog: Next up, take the doggie to the park. It’s been raining a lot lately so he hasn’t been able to run free for a while. So, my brother and I drove Mr. Dog to the Irvine Dog Park but unfortunately it was closed. When we turned around, poor dog was in the back of the car crying his poor heart out, longing for a good sprint down the field. So, we decided to take him to the park in Laguna. It’s rather close to my house and was a nice large field of grass with hilly areas to roam. He took full advantage of his 30 mins there and it was nice to see that the dog is a happy one.

Happy Beakatude.

Play Time!

Marie and Cole came to my clinic today. Cole got to roam around in a safe, padded environment with lots of stimulating toys and activities. I think he had a good time.

wet dog

I woke up this morning to blue skies and tweeting birds. Strangely by 10:00 am, the clouds rolled in and it started to pour! I love rain but the first thing I thought of was…”Uh Oh…the dog is outside.” Unfortunately, I didn’t have an opening in my schedule to go home. So…when I got home at 3:30, my poor doggie was sitting at the patio door, soaked to the bone, and staring straight at me as if I had thrown him into a pile of poop. Oh, dog.

no 8-clap today

I may have won my NCAA tourney but UCLA didn’t win the National Championship this year. They got spanked by the Gators today and it really wasn’t pretty. Just today I received an email from Michelle Gosom, who sent me an article on how Ed O’Bannon now sells cars in Las Vegas. I couldn’t find the actual article but here’s what it said:

from the LA Times article…

Unlike many former stars, he has refused to wallow in the past. Unlike many aging heroes, he is not embarrassed to embrace the future. O’Bannon has moved to Las Vegas and joined the car business. Yep, he sells them, on the floor, a guy with no desk and hard shoes, from fallaway jump shots to sweaty handshakes, from two-hour games to 13-hour days. “I always wanted to make a living as something other than a basketball player,” he says. “I wanted my life to go into another direction.” Findlay Toyota and Scion, Ed O’Bannon, Sales & Leasing, it’s all on his business card. “People see me and remember me and I’m proud to tell them — ‘No, I don’t play. No, I don’t coach. Yes, I sell cars,’ ” O’Bannon says. From one shining moment to power train warranties.

That got me reminiscing about our 1995 win. I remember watching the final game and going out to Westwood for a bite to eat and to celebrate the win. Instead, I found myself stuck in the middle of the party/riot that broke out. I luckily didn’t get hit with beanbags or get close enough to the burning KIIS FM van but I did get a very yummy burger at Johnny Rockets with a window view of the mess. Maybe next year, boys.