Browse Author: beakatude

so hurty…

I don’t know what exactly happened but yesterday I got to work and noticed that my back was a little sore. As the day progressed it bothered me more and more. Now I’m at the point of waking up to find myself unable to put my pants on without leaning on the bed. I even wimpered and cried a bit this morning. I haven’t had it this bad since the first time my back went out over 4 years ago. I didn’t treat any kids today and waddled my way around the school all day. Luckily I was in meetings all day but somehow that makes it a little worse when I have to get up out of the chair again. Just call me granny…that’s literally what I look like when I’m walking around the house…one hand on my back, hunched over, feet in the waddle position, and a funny grimace on my face. *sigh* I’m only 30 and already walking around like I’m 75. Fortunately, I got an appointment with a chiropractor who takes my insurance. It’ll be awesome if it turns out that I can get massages whenever I want for a mere $15 co-pay. But for now, I’ll be happy just to put my pants on.

home cookin’

On Sunday, we stopped by the Magical House to pick up the dog.  Before leaving, my mom handed us a container filled with spicy ground chicken to take home.  When we got home, I decided to make dinner.  Huh?  Me cooking?  Yes, I actually prepared Thai yellow curry and a chicken/cabbage dish that my mom used to make for me all the time.  So, we actually sat down on Sunday night for some home cookin’ consisting of my two dishes, my mom’s chicken dish, and some rice.  Ah…it almost felt like I was eating at the Magical House.  By the way, Jes was rather impressed…no gagging or grimacing noted.  😉

Fun with the Girls

On Saturday afternoon, the other bridesmaids and I threw Holly a lovely bridal shower at the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica. We rented a semi-private cabana with wine, cheese, and other appetizers. We had a good turn out with lots of Holly’s friends who flew in from all over the place. Later in the evening, we got a little more dressed up and had dinner at Orso, an Italian restaurant near the Beverly Center. Afterwards we headed out to LAX, a bar in Hollywood, to do some celebrating. Holly had a great time and didn’t have to do anything too embarrassing. Overall, it was a fun night out with the girls.

There’s nothing like a good beat down…

on a Friday morning. As if my week wasn’t hard enough but this morning at 8 am I had a meeting that topped it all off. I walked in thinking it was going to be rather easy-going but it quickly turned sour. The first inkling of a beat-down was when the mom said something like, “When he starts his new school we’re going to get a real OT…a really good one.” Awesome. This can’t be good.

When it was my turn to speak, before I could get into my report, the mom said, “You don’t need to go through this I already disagree with your recommendation.” She had flipped to the end of the report to see that I was recommending that we discontinue services. Double-awesome.
THEN!! She says to me, “I know you don’t like me and I’ve never liked you so I guess it’s mutual. But it’s not fair to take it out on a child.” WHAM! Beat down! I was pretty speechless. When I finally caught my breath, I calmly replied with, “Wow. (pause) I’ve never had any negative feelings about you.” She then quickly replied with, “Well, then me too!” Huh?

Anyway, I didn’t finish my report and said to the administrator, “I don’t have anything else to say. It’s all in my report.” After the meeting, the teacher, who was sitting next to the mom, said to me, “I had to do everything in my power not to reach over and sock her in the face. That wouldn’t have been very professional of me.” Aw, *sniff* how sweet. So that was how I spent my Friday morning. I hope all of you had a better Friday.

Avert your eyes!

This has been such a busy week at work. We call it “Kindergarten Transition Week”. In other words, no kids come to school because all the grown-ups are too busy gathering around a tiny knee-high table talking about where they should go next year for Kindergarten and how much therapy they will need. Well, as the only therapist at the preschool, my poor intern and I have been driving from school to school, sitting through meeting after meeting, and looking at documents with tiny print until we’re cross-eyed. I can barely remember whose meeting I went to just this morning! Anyway, it’s Wednesday and I have two more days to endure. I didn’t think sitting around all day could be more tiring than chasing kids around but I think it might be.
Things I’ve thought about during my meetings:

  • “I wonder if I could hang our summer jellyfish projects from the clinic ceilings the same way this teacher has: paperclip+string+clothespin…clever.”
  • “99 Ranch, tofu, kimchee, soybean juice, mochi ice cream…mmm…mochi ice cream”
  • “Did I close the garage door this morning?”
  • “This dad looks like the dad in ‘American Pie’.”
  • “I wish I could trade places with Koa right now. I could use a long nap.”
  • “That lady seated across from me is too large to be wearing a denim skirt that tight and short. I wish the table was higher…eew.”

I’m so mac-dumb.

On Sunday night, I was fiddling around with some new software that I just installed on the macbook. I thought I’d update some of beakatude and upload the pages using a new ftp software that I had to learn. Well, learning how to skillfully navigate on this new OS and doing what I usually do on the Thinkpad has been quite an adventure. Something so simple as to delete something from your desktop requires two-finger tapping the mousepad and clicking “move to trash”. Whatever happened to the delete button?
Speaking of deleting…in my mac-dumbness, I accidentally deleted the index to my website. Haha. No problem, I’ve done THAT before. Previously, all I had to do was upload the backup index that’s on my computer and voila, solved. Not so fast…apparently it’s not that simple with my new site. Fortunately, my wonderful Admin managed to fix it by the end of the night but it involved a whole lot of reinstalling and reconfiguring stuff. *sigh* I’ll learn to love my macbook soon.