Browse Author: beakatude

Fun with Mud

Now that it’s summer, we decided to spruce up the patio a bit. Unfortunately, it required quite a bit of digging in the mud and I certainly got my hands dirty. We later visited Rogers Gardens in Corona Del Mar to get some ideas for the fish pond and flower bed. By the way, this nursery place was ridiculously huge. It certainly was the right place to go to for some inspiration. Ah, doesn’t homeownership sound fun?! Anyway, we ended up buying a large pot and a lush bamboo tree to go in it. We also went to Costco and bought these solar-powered cheesy fakey pagodas. We left them out in the evening sun for about an hour and they actually stayed lit for 4-5 hours…hm…not bad.

Done, done, and DONE!

I took a sigh of relief this afternoon. I went in to work in the morning, had our end-of-the-year lunch at Islands with my co-workers, and packed up for the week. I got home by 2:00 and now I’m able to clean the house, finish the laundry, and just plain relax. Ah..

Next week, I’ll be driving down to my old stomping grounds, PTN, to work on some camp stuff. It’ll be a nice change from IEPs and reports. I’ll get to hang out with old friends and make a little extra spending money too.

Oh yeah…Yosemite Update: last night I checked the 10-day forecast for Yosemite and so far it looks like 60% showers on the first two days that we’re expected to be there. Uh, guys, I don’t really feel like camping in the rain. Can we find a Plan B?!

I can feel it…

…summer is here and it’s the longest day of the year! The sun is out, the AC is on, our last day of school is tomorrow, and I bought tickets to Hollywood Bowl. Awesome. This month has been really crazy and I’m finally seeing the end of the tunnel. We have graduation tomorrow and then an easy day on Friday. THEN, I’ll have a week and a half off before starting summer school on July 5th. Here are some summer plans so far:

  • Hollywood Bowl on Sunday to see Sergio Mendes et. al
  • Loooooooong roadtrip and camping in Yellowstone.

Perhaps we should reinstate Bonfire Wednesdays again. Anyone want to join us?

not bad

On Saturday, Jes learned how to make Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup. Vyl came over with the Bangerang to show Jes how she makes it. With an afternoon of simmering, an overnight chill in the fridge, and a little tweaking, it came out rather well. Well, at least I thought so. Jes said it was a little too sweet and not spicy enough. Eh, it was fine and it looked really tasty!

Happy Daddy’s Day!

This is me and my daddy at the beach when I was about 2 years old.
This is me and my daddy almost 25 years later at my wedding.
Can we say, “Daddy’s little girl”? Yep, that’s me. My daddy totally rocks and here’s why:
  • He grew up swimming with catfish in the river by this house.
  • He loves Elvis.
  • He’s generous and compassionate.
  • He built my first set of wooden blocks, desk, and chair.
  • He introduced me to photography and bought me my first camera at age 5.
  • He has the green thumb that I wish I had.
Here’s a little tribute to all the daddy’s around the world. Compliments of Nike.
Thanks for everything! Love ya!

I have #2 and #4.

I went to see the chiropractor today. I was surprised to see that the address she gave me was a house. She converted her garage into a little sanctuary that is air-conditioned, decorated with flowers, and the room was filled with jazz music. Not bad. She was actually very nice and thorough. I even received a little therapy with my consultation. According to her findings, I’m crooked. My shoulders are misaligned and so are my hips. Awesome. Anyway, I’m going back to see her tomorrow and so far I’m feeling slightly better after my visit. Maybe this will force me to get back into pilates and strengthen my “core”.
I was browsing through some websites the other day and found this link. I have bad habits #2 and #4. You would think that as a therapist I would listen to my own advice…stretch, strengthen, and use good body mechanics. Eh…what do I know? Just six months ago, I drew him some figures of how to stretch his back. I guess it’s time for me to find those stick drawings.