Browse Author: beakatude


This morning I had my first meeting and I was a little nervous about it.  It involved attorneys on both sides and the possibility of a notoriously mean one attending.  Fortunately for me, the nice attorney showed up and the meeting went smoothly.  Aaahh…what a relief.  I thought I was in for another rocky school year.  Being that it was my first “unofficial” day back, it went well and I’m sorta looking forward to starting a new year.  I suppose that’s how I am every year but I’m just happy to know that the parents that gave me a lot of grief last year have all moved on to other schools.  I’m going to have to make a point to be very proactive, make friends, and see the fires coming before they even start.  I go back tomorrow for a real day in the clinic and I’m sure it will just involve putting my clinic back together (everything is in disarray from the carpet cleaning) and catching up with my aide.

As for this afternoon, I’m going to try to enjoy my last hours of “summer vacation”.  Maybe I’ll go to the pool, catch up on my magazines, and just relax.

Just a little more vacation left…

My official first day back to work is this Friday but unfortunately I have a meeting already scheduled tomorrow morning and Thursday morning. Booo…. One good thing about it is that I will be able to “flex” those days later in the year. So, I’m going to just loaf around the house today to make the most of my last day off.

As you may have noticed, I changed the theme of beakatude. I’m currently dabbling in some photo album software/plugins including the possible use of Flickr. *grr* In the past, Flickr hasn’t really impressed me but they have a few features that would be nice to use on WordPress if they actually worked.

Oh yeah, I also signed up for a Beginning Photography class that starts mid-September. It requires the use of my 35mm SLR again, which will be a nice change. I’m just curious to see how my skills compare to the last time I took a photography class back in 1995. I can’t wait to get high on the processing chemicals.

You know you’re a WoW Widow when…

  • you know where all the WiFi spots are in Hawaii
  • you’re planning your day without him
  • you make dinner just quick enough for him to take a break before his next raid
  • you sleep diagonally on the queen-sized bed
  • you’re awoken at about 3 am by someone shoving you over back to your side of the bed
  • you’ve run out of TiVo programming
  • you can have a bridal shower in your home with most of the guests not knowing that your husband was home the whole time
  • your dog no longer responds to his call
  • your neighbors think he’s commuting across the country again
  • the trash doesn’t get taken out on Thursday nights
  • your chair cushions are flattened
  • you go on shopping sprees without a second thought
  • you consider playing SimCity again
Maybe I should consider buying this.

Lots of Ladies

The Bridesmaids and I threw Patty her Bridal Shower yesterday. It started out at the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel where three of us got spa treatments. Patty and Alice got massages while I got a much-needed pedicure. I felt so bad for my manicurist. After a week of walking around in slippas in Hawaii, my feet were looking prettty gnarly. I actually apologized to the girl ahead of time.

Later, we went back to my house where nine of Patty’s friends were waiting for us to arrive. It was so nice to see so many of Patty’s friends together in one place. There was food, games, and of course, gifts. I think she had a really good time.

For dinner we went to The Melting Pot for fondue. It’s a really interactive place where we all ate cheese, meats, and chocolate together. The challenge for the evening was to dip your meat in without losing it. Easier said than done.

Meanwhile, Jesse was upstairs all day playing on his computer. He would dart down and back up the stairs to avoid all the extra estrogen in the house. Koa enjoyed the company of the ladies, however, and mingled amongst the food and doting girls all afternoon.

It’s detox time!

AppleCinnamon.jpgThis past week was chock-full of booze, fried foods, fruity drinks with coconut cream in them, and pork products (mostly Spam). When I got back yesterday from our trip, I was feeling really blah…sorta like I had a hangover without having to drink the night before. So, I thought it was time to detox today. This morning started with a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal. The apple-cinnamon is my favorite. For lunch, I made a big mixed greens salad with chicken, celery, grape tomatoes, and a little bit of cottage cheese. It was actually pretty tasty. For dinner, I’m going to make a pasta salad with chicken, tomatoes, garlic, basil, and olive oil. Tasty. Here’s to detox time!

Until next time…

Our last couple days in Hawaii were pretty laid back. We went snorkeling and had drinks at the pool. We took Yoon to dinner at a fancy restaurant on the 30th floor of our hotel. We went to the Honolulu Zoo to visit the elephants and saw our last Hawaiian sunset last night.
The red-eye flight was quick since I didn’t even wait until take-off to fall asleep. We arrived in Orange County around 8:30 am and Jes went to work. I spent the day running errands and picking up the dog from my mom’s house.
Here are the photos from the trip. Hang in there…I uploaded 184 photos.