Browse Author: beakatude

birthdays are yummy


When September rolls around, I get to eat lots of good food. It’s because both Jes and I have our birthdays in Setember along with the brother and several other friends. You just GOTTA at least have dinner if not a party. And with dinner comes birthday cake or dessert. Well, Jes’ birthday was on Wednesday and we’ve already had a really good steak with a Sinful Chocolate Cake (above) AND a Chinese dinner with cake from Goldilocks. It’s just too bad that I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into next Saturday. It fits now but we’ll see if it allows me to breathe next week.

In other news, Jes is on a cruise for Bang’s Bachelor Disaster. It sounds like a hoot with 15 guys on a boat with lots of buffet food and drinks. I even heard that they picked up a sailor suit for Bang to wear on the boat. It’s going to be awesome…and disasterous. Good luck, Bang. I hope you don’t get saran wrapped to a pole this weekend.

My turn! My turn!

Two Names You Go By: Beak and “Hey”
Two Parts of Your Heritage: Thai and Chinese
Two things that scare you: the ocean and mosquitos
Two of Your Everyday Essentials: moisterizer and lip balm
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: Matsumoto’s Shave Ice t-shirt and favorite black adidas shorts
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists: Jack Johnson and Linkin Park
Two Things You Want in a Relationship: humor and unconditional love
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You: a nice smile and cute butt
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies: photography – I’m only allowed to have one
Two Things You Want Really Badly: a faster lens and a Crumpler bag
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation: Italy and France
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die: witness sea turtles hatch and see the Aurora Borealis
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now: why my head hurts and what’s for dessert
Two Stores You Shop At: Target and Albertson’s
Two people you haven’t talked to in a while: Brooke and Linda
Two Favorite Web Sites: and
Two Favorite Sports: Skiing and Running
Two things you did last night: watched Days of Our Lives on TiVo and made fish tacos
Two shows you like to watch: Good Eats and Grey’s Anatomy
Two places you like to go to: dog park with Koa and Napa
Two Favorite People: Jesse and Brother
Two Favorite Subjects In School: Anatomy and Exercise Physiology
Two Favorite Places to eat: Fukada and The Magical House
Two things you ate today: chicken salad and a Krackel
Two people you last talked to: Jes and Jimmy
Two Things You’re doing tomorrow or next week: dinner with in-laws and writing a bridesmaid speech

–Got this list from my brother who got it from his friend in NY. Who else wants to play?!

It’s time to archive.

October 1990

My Labor Day Weekend was very relaxing

  • On Saturday, I went with Patty to the wedding gown shop to learn how to bustle her dress for the wedding.
  • On Sunday, I had a little BBQ with the husband in our patio.
  • Today, we went to To’s 30th Birthday Party at Liberty Park in the afternoon and then had some home cookin’ with the parents in the evening.

While I was home, I searched for my old photo albums. I came upon albums starting from 8th grade all the way up to sophomore year of college. Jackpot! Unfortunately, the albums were falling apart and they take up a lot of space. So, I decided to start an archive. I’m going to pull them all out, scan my favorites into my computer, and then store all the photos in neatly organized boxes. It’s time to toss those albums! I also found some old negatives that I’m going to file away with the photos. This is truly when I appreciate the Digital Age. I just need to make sure everything is backed up at least 3 times just in case my admin decides to kill one of our hard drives again.

friends forever


Get a load of this photo taken June 1993. In preparation for Patty and Johnny’s wedding slideshow, Johnny and I were exchanging photos and he sent this one to me. Boy, I don’t even know where my copy of this photo is but it has to be one of my favorites.

TV is entertaining

I am what the media would consider a TiVo watcher.  I record only a handful of shows and that’s all I watch.  I also don’t watch commercials unless I forgot to fast forward.  Well, last night I sat down in the front of the TV and watched network television programming. Most of it consisted of flipping between the MTV Video Music Awards, Grey’s Anatomy, and other random channels. I must have been living in the Food Network bubble for quite some time because there’s a bunch of other stuff out there that I’ve been missing. Without the luxury of fast forward, I had to sit through all the programming and advertisements and did so with such delight.  I saw commercials that I had never seen before and the music awards included a lot of new bands and artists that I had never heard of. During the commercials and Jackass segments, I laughed out loud and had an overall entertaining experience.  I didn’t think TV would be so novel to me but it was. I might have to check out the new fall line up of shows now.