Browse Author: beakatude


Jes and I flew up to San Francisco last night so that Jes could help get ready for tomorrow’s wedding. Unfortunately, we’re both “working from home” and need to be by a computer at least part of the day. Jes’ boss is even asking him to go into the office today for a pointless meeting. I’m not sure how he’s going to get out of that but he will. I’ve already answered two work calls this morning and now I’m feeling the pressure of having to finish the three reports that are due Monday. *sigh*

Anyhoo…we’re now at Jimmy’s awesome pad in Alameda. He’s ballin’ with his 1500 sqft house complete with backyard and driveway and has graciously allowed us to stay in it this weekend. Now we have to figure out how to get to the city by 2pm for a tux fitting. Take Jimmy’s car? Take BART? Hm…

left out

I’m missing another photo class tonight.  I have to catch a plane to SF tonight.  Luckily, I have my instructor’s email and he gave me my assignments.  They’re actually going on an outing to take photos of the lake at sunset.  Boo…that sounds like fun.

Well, we’re going to be in SF this weekend.  The party should be fun and the weather should be nice and crisp…just as I like it.

more food, friends, and photos

Our second day started a bit later than expected. We got up around 11:30 and left the apartment at around 12:45. The first stop was lunch at Fatty Crab (in Chelsea) where we met up with Jason. We ordered the chili crab and boy was it messy. I ended up with crab chili sauce on my shirt, jeans, and even on my bag that was on the floor next to me. I actually found sauce inside my bag too…crazy. Anyway, the food was great and the crab was a lot of fun to eat. Jia stopped by afterwards to briefly hang out with us before we went our separate ways.

IMG_4645.jpgWe go back on the subway got off at 42nd St. where we visited the Photograph Museum. The photos were huge and mildly impressive. On our way up to Central Park we stopped at Rockefeller Plaza to check out the different landmarks.

At Central Park, we strolled the paths and took some more photos. It still amazes me how there can be such a lush park in the middle of an urban city. There was an Apple Store across from the park and we HAD to check it out. I couldn’t believe how busy it was! The store is quite large and it managed to feel small with so many people in it.

Dinner was supposed to be at Corner Bistro in West Village but we ended up at a sucky restaurant down the street. CB was way too small, way too stuffy, and way too crowded. Afterwards we checked out Little Branch, an underground bar that charges 12 bucks for a vodka tonic! That was way too steep so we headed over to East Village. On the way, we met up with Johnny’s friend Bernadette and walked through some cute neighborhoods. Justine met up with us at the bar and after hanging out at two more bars we stopped for Japanese food and beer.

It is now 5 am and we’re already at JFK. We got back to the apartment with just enough time to tidy up the place. Our car service came at 4 am sharp and I haven’t slept yet. I guess it’s pretty convenient being on West Coast time still. I’ll nap on the plane.

Overall, it was a fun and adventurous trip. Two days is pretty quick for a trip to NYC but I think we really made the most of our time here. I can say that I’m much more comfortable with the subway system and I finally got to see each of the different buroughs. I’d have to say that New York really doesn’t sleep and that’s cool. I’d love to live here one day but I’m also happy to be going home. My dog deserves grass to poo on and I enjoy having a car. Until next time New York…see you again soon.

Update: Ok…here you go…hot off the presses…a whoppin’ 121 photos from New York City.  Enjoy!

There’s so much to eat!

Hello from New York! The Brother and I arrived a little before midnight on Thursday but it took us nearly 2 hours to get to our cousin’s apartment in Manhattan. SuperShuttle blows. We got picked up on time but then had to drive around picking up more passengers until the van was full. We then drove to Manhattan and ended up being the 3rd from the last to be dropped off. So, at 2 am EST, we finally arrived at Ishya and Billy’s place where we ate dinner that was delivered. We got to catch up with the two of them before going to bed and saw them one last time this morning before they left for their trip to Spain.

We started our day with a subway ride uptown to do some shopping. The first stop was H&M where I found some nice tops and a pea coat. Later we headed southwest to B&H Photo, which was crazy big and crazy busy. This is the place where I order a lot of my photography stuff from and I couldn’t believe the selection of equipment and accessories!

After dropping off our goodies at the apartment, we headed downtown for lunch. We ate at Momofukku where we tried their pork buns that were so fatty and so yummy. Then we hopped back onto the subway and headed down to Wall St. where we took the Staten Island Ferry to get a better look at the Statue of Liberty and New York City skyline. Next stop was Ground Zero where it was eerily somber. I never actually saw the Twin Towers when they were still standing and I still can’t believe that something so tall actually doesn’t exist any more.

IMG_4621.jpgThen we went on the hunt for Chinatown Ice Cream Factory. I had the lychee sorbet and Johnny had the almond cookie ice cream. Both were very good and worth the extra walking to find it. Our next destination was SoHo where we found Cafe Habana that was recommended by Holly. The mexican corn was tasty…grilled and smothered with butter, cheese, lime, and salt.

For dinner, we had Korean BBQ with Dayantha, who had ridden the bus up from Philly, and Krishani, who goes to grad school in NYC. Justine came by after dinner and we had drinks at a nearby Korean cafe. Now we’re back at the apartment and the Brother is passed out and snoring. It’s 4:19 am EST and I’m wide awake. Until tomorrow…ta ta for now!

The next drink is on me.

On my 4th birthday, I was happily enjoying my birthday party at Preschool when my Dad arrives early to pick me up. Wha? I have to leave my own birthday party RIGHT NOW?! Apparently, there was something much more important. Bah…what could be more important than my birthday party? Well, in the car we drove and to the hospital we went. My brother was born on my birthday. Oh great, talk about stealing thunder. I think the worst part of that day was that back then, children weren’t allowed on the ward. So, while my dad got to visit my mom and new baby brother, I was stuck in the waiting room…probably still wearing my birthday hat. 

Well, 27 years later, my brother is a big boy, has an apartment on the Westside, runs his own company, and gets to go to XGames for free. Not too shabby. Luckily for me, my little brother is the coolest little brother a girl can have and sharing a birthday with him is actually pretty cool. This year, we’re going to take a little trip together…just the two of us for the first time. Funny that it’s taken this long to do this. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Little Brother. The next drink is on me.

Going on 31 and 27

The food tonight was awesome as expected. It’s so much fun to order Thai food with the family. You can order to your heart’s content without feeling like there’s going to be too much food. We had the works: chicken AND pork satay, catfish, curry, beef that translates to “crying tiger”, drunken noodles, fried fish cakes, and of course peanut sauce. We also got a nice surprise with the classic birthday cake from Honey Bakery. I had a fun time hanging out with the family and it was a nice way to spend my birthday eve. I also got a kick out of seeing my little brother open his gift. I’ll help you tape up the Holga on the plane, Brother. It should be fun to play with in New York!