Browse Author: beakatude

Nemo Party for KK

IMG_4655My Baby Girl turned 3 on Monday and we celebrated on Sunday morning with all her buddies.

IMG_4610IMG_4608We held the party at the Children’s Creativity Museum where the kids got to run free and play all they wanted before the food arrived.

IMG_4667We rented the birthday room upstairs and her cupcakes and balloons had a Nemo theme.  DSC_1196It’s funny that her first birthday cake at a Nemo theme as well but this time around it actually meant something to her.

DSC_6216I think most of the grown-ups had almost as much fun at the museum and I actually got to sit and just watch KK play with her friends without having to do much.

DSC00041KK blew out her candles with no problems this year.  When she turned one, she was clueless and I had to blow out her candle.  When she turned two, she got gun shy and just straight up refused.  This year, she totally gets it and blew them out like a champ.  What was funny was how she had such a confused look on her face when she saw the smoke go up after she blew them out.

IMG_1524Watching all the kids eat the cake and bright blue frosting was pretty entertaining.  I got photos of as many of them as I could.




IMG_4623After we cleared out of the birthday room (we only had it for 2 hours), everyone rode the carousel twice.  KK wanted to ride the dragon chair on the first round.

IMG_4629Then she sat on a horse next to her friends on the second go-around.IMG_4665We also managed to get a group photo of the kids.  I love how Vivian held Henry’s hand for the picture to keep them both from wandering off.

IMG_4652Unfortunately, this was the only family photo we got at the party.  I never seem to get enough photos taken when I’m hosting my own party.

Here are a couple thoughts I had on planning this party:

  1. is great for finding party favors.  Nemo stuff is not sold at party stores anymore but there were plenty of things to choose from online.  Everything came to my door and I was ready for the party.
  2. Safeway really saved me money and time with the cupcakes and balloons.  The logistics of having a party on a Sunday morning are pretty tough.  Most cupcake places are not open on Sundays and Party City doesn’t open until 10.  SO, I ordered the cupcakes from Safeway, picked them up at 9:30 am,  and they were only 50 cents each compared to $3.50 each at a fancy store.  They were also able to blow up the balloons I had bought online in just minutes.
  3. Our food was ordered from a place that didn’t open until 11 but Jes managed to get there at 10:30 and knocked on the window to get the food as early as possible from the cooks in the back.  It helps to have a persistent husband who just doesn’t give a flying fish who he pisses off – all for the sake of his little girl, of course!
  4. Kid parties don’t need to last very long.  The party started at 10:30 and two hours in the birthday room was plenty of time to eat and have cake.  Also, most kids were overdue for their naps after the carousel ride so the timing was just about right.  KK also passed out as soon as I put her in the stroller and started walking home from the museum.
  5. I’m glad I waited until she turned 3 to throw a party.  We celebrated Year 1 mostly for sentimental reasons and we did something really small for Year 2 (dinner with family).  This year, she was genuinely excited for the party and had enough friends who could enjoy the activities.  She also loves the “Happy Birthday” song and opening presents was fun for her this year.

stickers for peanut

IMG_4432This kid is so funny.  She put all the stickers on my bump and said, “I share with Baby Brother”.

By the way, we are taking suggestions for his name.  Why are boy names so hard?!

Sibling love?

IMG_4293This weekend, KK has been so loving to her Baby Brother.  She’s been giving hugs and kisses to my tummy.  On Saturday afternoon, she leaned up against my tummy while I was on the couch and said “hello, Baby Brother”.  I hope she’s just as sweet to him when he actually arrives.

Baby Sabrina

IMG_4200Last night after work, I drove up to Walnut Creek to visit Mai and her 2-week-old baby girl Sabrina.

DSC_6203DSC_6179I tried to get some portraits taken but she was either sleeping or fussing.

DSC_6185Mai looks great and has been adjusting to motherhood so gracefully.

IMG_4192It was also fun to have Ranee and her girls there.  Avia is 9 months now and just started crawling.

IMG_4206Our little group of babies from work is certainly growing and so much fun to watch through their milestones.

Congratulations to Mai and Dennis!!

Another tank?!


Yup, we have the 4th tank set-up now and there are ghost shrimp taking residence in it right now.  Jes also threw in Jack and Jill in there with the new rocks and plants he acquired.

IMG_4083Here are the shrimp up-close.  They’re clear and you can see all their guts and eggs inside.  I think they’re kinda gross-looking.  One shrimp actually released her spawn but they’re so small and clear that we don’t know how many are still alive.

5 months

IMG_3813I’m just finishing up the 5th month of my pregnancy this weekend and thought I’d post of pictures of “the bump”.  On 3/19/15 (almost 21 weeks), I took this photo at work while I was waiting for the elevator.  It was the end of the day and I wasn’t in the mood to walk up to the 5th floor again.  These stripes really emphasize the roundness of my tummy.

IMG_4051On Friday, KK was trying to hear her baby brother with a stethoscope.

IMG_4086As embarrassing as it is, I took a picture today along The Embarcadero.  I look HUGE already at 22 weeks.  I heard that the second pregnancy shows sooner but this is ridiculous.  The cool thing lately is that I’m really feeling the kicks from inside and Jesse could finally feel them from the outside too!
