Browse Author: beakatude


IMG_7149I had more discomfort today than usual.  I can’t tell if they’re contractions or if Peanut is making himself more room by doing some major squirming around.  All I know is that the walk to dinner tonight was not as easy as it usually is and I can see why women take long walks to induce labor.  I was hoping NOT to do that tonight but it certainly gave me a moment of panic when I starting to think about the possibility of going into labor this evening at dinner.  I hadn’t even bought his bed or washed any of his clothes yet!  Anyway, the walk home from dinner was not as bad and I’m feeling better now for some reason.  Maybe I was just dehydrated today.  IMG_7309Anyway, this photo was taken this evening by my lovely daughter.  She didn’t quite get Jes in the frame but she did get the baby bump (almost at 37 weeks), which is hard to see in this photo for some reason.

36 weeks

IMG_7161I’m at 36 weeks and now I’m at the point where I have a doctor’s appointment every Monday and a non-stress test every Wednesday.  On Monday, the doctor did a quick ultrasound to check Peanut’s position and he’s head down now.  I had a feeling because he feels much lower now.

IMG_7162On Wednesday, I went in for the non-stress test, which involves having a fetal heart monitor and a second monitor on my belly to check for contractions.  I laid there for 20 minutes and listened to his heart beat.  This is a picture of my two kids (one in the belly and the other in the stroller playing with her iPad).  The nurse also did a quick ultrasound to check for the amount of fluid left in the sac and everything checked out just right.  She also confirmed that he’s head down, facing inward, with his spine along my left side and feet on my upper right side.

IMG_7134We also received a few more gifts.  The first was a sweater that was knitted by a nurse practitioner that I work with in the ICU.

IMG_7136I got a second sweater from the dietician that I work with regularly on the medical floor.  She knits while she’s riding BART to and from work.  I also received the hat in my mailbox at work but I have no idea who it’s from!  It came in a little bag but there was no name or card attached to it.

IMG_7156We also received these items from Vyl and Bang.  That hedgehog and book are so cute!

One Month


DSC_6732Thomas and Toni turned a month old this week.  While we were at their house yesterday, I snapped a couple photos of them during their brief moments of being awake and content.  It’s fun to see their little personalities come out each time we see them.  Jia and Jason are also adjusting to their new life quite well.

Maternity Leave

IMG_0010I’m now 36 weeks pregnant and completed my first week of maternity leave.  It’s definitely different this time around since I have my sidekick KK with me at all times.  IMG_6865It’s not nearly as restful or productive but it’s nice to be home and to have some quality time with my little girl.

IMG_6840Each day, we have a morning activity that usually involves leaving the house.  We’ve done some shopping, going to the zoo, and visiting with friends.  Then we come home by lunch time and KK usually falls asleep on our way home.  Unfortunately for me, as soon as we enter the house, she wakes up and says, “I don’t want to sleep”.  *sigh* Luckily, I haven’t had to resort to TV or videos as much as I had anticipated.

IMG_6768The afternoon is usually spent at home and I’ve been able to get laundry done, tidy up the house, and make dinner.  I also took care of my disability application this week.  Luckily, KK likes to help with some of the chores so that’s nice.

IMG_6747We’ve also been working on some things to prepare her for preschool.  It’s like a taste of homeschooling and I’m not sure I’m a fan.  I usually try to carve out some time for coloring, cutting, or learning something new.

IMG_6822She’s been pretty cooperative so far and the stuff we do has been interesting/novel enough for her to stay engaged.  Preschool doesn’t start until beginning of August so we’ll see how the rest of the month goes.

As for Peanut, he’s been moving A LOT and the contractions keep coming.  Some of them stop me in my tracks and make me a little short of breath.  It definitely helps to not be at work when these occur because I can sit down, rest, and then move on with my day.  He has definitely dropped lower and I’ve had to wake up every two hours to pee at night.  I suppose this is just training for me.

Kicking Peanut
This second baby is very active.  I suppose that’s expected from a boy.  This afternoon while I was trying to rest during KK’s tea party, he was squirming around like crazy.

Family BBQ

IMG_6734On our way home from Monterey, we stopped in Redwood City to BBQ and Jes helped Jason install an AC unit in the twins’ room.

IMG_6686It really melts my heart to see how sweet and attentive KK has been with the babies this weekend.  Here is a picture of her playing with Toni on Saturday night at the hotel.

IMG_6742And here she is with Toni again on Sunday night.  We’re gonna have to find a rocker for Peanut so that she can be the official baby soother in the house.  She’s got the rocking and shushing mastered already.