Browse Author: beakatude

Well, that hurt.

3:45 pm

I had an exam by an OB doc and she said that there was a pouch of fluid in the amniotic sac that was cushioning all the contractions.  So, she went in and popped the bag and a bunch of fluid came gushing out (yes, sorry, TMI again).  Once that was done, all hell broke loose.  I was suddently in active labor and the pain went from 1/10 to 8/10.

4:15 pm

I got moved from our antepartum room to a Labor & Delivery Room where I spent the next hour and a half enduring the craziest pain ever.  I think at that point it was likely too late to get an epidural.  It felt like more pain than I remembered with KK.  Curses you, Pitocin!!!!! (shaking fist in the air)

5:30 pm

I finally got to push and it was the most excrutiating 10 minutes of my life.

5:40 pm

I delivered a baby boy that weighed in at 8 lbs 12 oz!!!!  His head measured 13.5 cm!  Full dilation is 10!  On top of that, he had his hand on his cheek – JUST LIKE KK DID, which made it even harder to push out!  What a punk.

We donated our healthy placenta to research and I had a small Grade II tear that was sewn up lickety split.  Peanut took a little while to get a good cry out but he was healthy with good Apgar scores.

Our Not-So-Little Peanut was finally born today and he’s got two dimples and a voracious appetite.

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Peanut Watch 2015


I actually slept and so did Jes.  Nurse just came in to start Pitocin because I didn’t progress enough this morning.  Oh well, I’m ready to get this party started.  By the way, the room here is pretty luxo. I just ordered my breakfast on the big flat screen TV and it should arrive in a bit.  Not feeling anything yet but the contractions should start soon.  Peanut is a little too comfy in there.  Still working on a name…

Also, it sounded like not only was it a full moon but it was a blue moon.  There are currently 18 women in labor right now and they are on major overflow here.  Getting this guy into a preschool around here in 3 years is going to be a nightmare.


Had a pancake and fruit for breakfast.  Pitocin got turned up.  We’re watching cooking shows on the TV.

IMG_8176There’s a nice garden outside our window. Would love to get this show on the road.

1:00 pm

Still no baby. Had lunch – their chocolate chip cookie is pretty good! Just took a walk around the unit to get things going but progress has been so slooooooowwww.  The contractions are stronger but nothing to complain about yet.  Even took a nap.  This is beginning to feel more like a vacation away from my 3 y/o for the day.

3:00 pm

This is ridiculous.  I don’t feel like we’re getting anywhere and the Pitocin is almost at its max level.

IMG_8186I’m not supposed to be looking this comfortable.


IMG_81647/30/15 @11:30 pm

This afternoon I was leaking a bit (sorry, TMI) but was having no real contractions.

IMG_2056It kept going through the evening so I called Labor & Delivery at 10:00pm and the nurse said that I should come in to get checked.  So, now I’m in Triage Room 5 with a fetal monitor on and no idea what’s next.  Just waiting for someone to come examine me.

7/31/15 @12:15 am

I’m bored.  It’s a full moon and the docs are backed up.  No one has come in yet.

7/31/15: @1:00 am

I’m being admitted.  It’s confirmed that my water bag is broken and they’re putting in an IV soon.

7/31/15 @2:30am

Apparently, 10 other mothers are in labor and they don’t have a fancy L&D room for us.  SO, we are stuck in Triage Room 5 until someone delivers and moves out.  Luckily, I’m not in active labor yet so we will just have to chill here for a bit.  In the meantime, poor Jes gets no comfy bed to take a nap.  It’s gonna be a long night.

7/31/15 @3:30 am

We got moved to a room and Jes is already asleep on his bed. Nurse gave me a quick intro to the interactive TV and it has cable. Woot. It’s already a step up from our home system.  Just waiting to see if labor occurs naturally now. Time for a nap.

39 weeks and 5 days

Hello!  It’s Thursday evening and Peanut hasn’t made his appearance yet but he’s been squirming around a bunch.  IMG_8156Today I took a bump photo and our crazy 3 y/o photobombed like a pro.

IMG_8160I love this kid. IMG_8161She’s just as excited to meet her Baby Brother.

Still cookin’…


In case any of you were wondering, Peanut is still cookin’.  This is a funny photo that KK took of us.  I’m officially 39 weeks today.  Phew.  Bags are packed, car seat is installed, and the bed is ready.  I guess he could arrive any day now.

Saturday Brunch


We had brunch this morning at Mission Rock Resort and got a nice corner table on the patio.IMG_7944

This was the breakfast sandwich that the brothers shared today.IMG_7956

The twins came dressed in the onesies that we bought them.  So cute.  Looks like Toni won and Thomas disagrees.IMG_7957

My mom hung out with Toni while Thomas was getting fed.  IMG_7959

KK hung out with Thomas once he was full and happy.


This photo of the three of them makes me chuckle.  Can’t wait to add Peanut to the mix.IMG_7969 IMG_7974

Thomas finally figured out how to use his pacifier while Toni has completely mastered it.IMG_7975 KK took this cute photo of Jia with the kids.