Lake Tahoe

IMG_6757James and Sylvia invited us to join them on their week in their Tahoe timeshare.  We stayed with them last year and the condo was the same configuration but we had a much better view this year.  We went for a long weekend (August 9-12) and had some good family time outside.

IMG_6778IMG_6783During the drive, it was clear and sunny outsdie.  When we arrived, it got increasingly gloomy and as soon as we parked and walked out to the lobby, it started to rain and it was followed by lightning and thunder.  What a fun experience!  I didn’t realize how much I had missed rain.  This drought is getting ridiculous.

IMG_6788At the lobby, we had a couple drinks while we waited for our key to be ready.  IMG_6810Once we checked in and unpacked, we spent the rest of the evening indoors watching the clouds and rain roll by and cooked dinner.  The girls got reacquainted and the grown-ups got to stay up late drinking and playing Sequence.

IMG_6828The next morning, we made breakfast and then we took the girls out to play for a bit.

IMG_6892Then it was time to pack up and head out to the beach.

IMG_6894We went to Camp Richardson where the sand was mixed in with rocks and pine needles but the water was calm and we had a nice BBQ and picnic table for lunch.  Can you see our little one siting all by herself in front of the big set of blankets?  She was THAT well-behaved at one point in the day.IMG_6885Kumquat needed a little time to warm-up to the water but by the end of the day she was bold enough to just walk out to the water on her own – NOT cool, kid.  That’s when we had to stick to her like glue.

IMG_6922Toward the late afternoon, I noticed a big gray cloud in the distance that was moving toward us as if Eeyore was headed in our direction.  The others also noticed so we quickly packed up and headed back to the condo.  We made it just in time as the rain came down pouring and everyone was scurrying for shelter.

IMG_6924For dinner, we ordered pizza and once the girls went to bed, we did some more drinking and played some more Sequence.  It was the second night in a row that I didn’t go to bed until past 1 am.

IMG_6974On Monday morning, I was packing up to go home when Jes got on a work call and came out saying that he made arrangements so that we could stay another day.  Yippee!!  Good thing I didn’t give that day back to work.

IMG_6990I’m so glad we stayed because we spent the day at Zephyr Cover (same beach as last year) and it was epic.  It was raining off and on that day so the beach was pretty empty.

IMG_7039 IMG_7025We also had James’ big canopy set-up and any time it started to pour, we sat under the canopy and enjoyed the sound of the thunder and rain.  The sand was really nice and the water was super calm that day.

IMG_7045Kumquat had the time of her life and because we had the beach to ourselves, it was easy to supervise her from farther than an arm’s length away.

IMG_7047We left in such good spirits because there’s something so fun and exciting about being out on the beach in the middle of a thunderstorm one minute and then the sun shining bright the next.  IMG_7061When the sun came out each time, we could see steam coming up from the sand as it dried.  Jes even went out to swim in the water during one of the downpours.

Here’s a video of one of the storms.

IMG_7064For dinner that evening, Jesse made steaks and we enjoyed one last night of drinking and games.

IMG_7066I have to say that it was a pretty relaxing weekend.  Kumquat somehow figured out how to keep herself entertained enough that I actually got some rest and time to myself for bits at a time.  It was like my brain got a recharge after a weekend of less incessant “Mama mama mama mamas”.  It was fun to see my little girl having so much fun and it was nice to be able to stay up late hanging out with friends for a change.  What a fun weekend!

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