2 years old!

2yearsI don’t know whether to cry or celebrate.  I guess I’ll be doing both.  I can’t believe my little Kumquat is two years old today.  It’s true when they say the days are long but the years are short.

Two years ago, we were blessed with this ball of cuteness.  Over the past 24 months, she has made me laugh, cry, and fall more and more in love every day.  She frustrates me.  She also makes me SO proud.  She gives the best hugs (only if she wants to) and has inherited the Chammy sense of humor.  She’s a little crazy but it makes her very entertaining.  She loves to sing, count, and make other people sing for her.  She definitely has a bossy side but such a sweet kindness toward her stuffed animals at the same time.  I’m hoping her stubborn streak will help her be successful in life but I also hope that she’ll learn to let things go when it matters.

IMG_2089Happy 2nd Birthday, KK.  No matter which name you choose when you grow up, you’ll always be Kumquat to us. Love you to pieces!!

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