Team Tiger Happy Hour
With Teresa out on her maternity leave, I haven’t been able to really hang out with her much lately. So, we made plans for a Happy Hour this past Wednesday. We were all set to go until T got stuck at the West Oakland BART station because of some police activity in the city. So, she headed home and we had to postpone it to Thursday. On Thursday, she was able to hitch a ride back to SF with me after I got off work so it was go for Team Tiger HH!! We picked up Kumquat and we headed over to Pedro’s. They were closed for a private party so we went to Pete’s instead. Happy Hour was still going so we ordered some wine and appetizers. What fun! It was almost like old times – the only difference was a third wheel named Kumquat.
Luckily she was well-behaved and it was fun watching to her try her first mini corn dog.