Wall Art

hangingartworkI finally put up some of the wall art that I’ve collected over the past two years.  I couldn’t hang frames over her bed so I kinda sat on this project for a while.  Then I found some clear command hooks at the store and figured out that I could juset tie a ribbon on them and used some binder clips to hang the prints.  I also found these cool Scotch Restickable Dots that I used to display her artwork.

IMG_9890The prints are all from local artists.  Below are the original versions of two of the prints.  I met the artist, Genevieve Santos at a craft faire and was so sweet to offer to paint the boy’s hair black in both of the prints.

pillowfortPillow Forttreehouse“Let me in.  I have cookies.”

Here are a few from a girl named Elda The.  I love her work.

angrybirdsAngry BirdselephantI don’t know what this one is called but I imagine this is where Koa lives now.

IMG_7618She also designed the Koa pillow that Kumquat sleeps with every night.

herecomestherainThis is a cute one that Kumquat loves to point to and label “bus” and “GG”.  The artist’s name is Nidhi Chanani.  Love her stuff.

It looks a little tacky but I kept the plastic sleeves on them for now to keep them from getting greasy from the kitchen. They’ll come off when she has an enclosed room to herself one day.  For now, this will just have to do.IMG_9895Little by little, this space will be covered in scribbles…hopefully, they’ll all be on paper and not the actual wall.

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