The first assignment is complete…

…and voting has started! Brother and I started a Flickr group called “isofosho“. It’s comprised of our friends, family, and friends of friends (16 total members). Every two weeks, we post an assignment related to a specific theme or subject and it has a due date. Once the the due date has passed, we all vote on our two favorites. The winner gets a little badge posted beneath their photo and it gets added to the group’s pool of photos. It’s fun, interactive, and a good way to practice and share what we’ve got.
Last night, the assignment of “Sho’ Me Yo’ Crib” ended and we got quite a number of submissions. If you’d like to join, vote, or just see what’s going on, you’ll need a Flickr account (log in with your Yahoo ID) and then you can request to join the group. Come play with us!!

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