Question of the Day #15
Everyone says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I’d have to agree. My job requires a lot of energy and patience and when I’m running on empty I get cranky.  I usually eat breakfast at my desk at work and this week’s breakfast is cold cereal.  In fact, it’s Honey Bunches of Oats! Yum. Cereal totally rocks. I used to eat it for dinner when Jes was travelling.
Question of the Day #15:
What’s your favorite cereal?
My Answer:
If there’s no milk, I like to eat Berry Berry Kix out of the box.
With milk, the kiddie cereal of choice would be Corn Pops.Â
If I need some fiber, IÂ prefer Raisin Bran Crunch.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007with, or without milk Cinnamon Toast Crunch. morning, day, or night.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007used to be corn pops
now it’s honey bunches of oats, especially the one with bananas if i can find it
Tuesday, February 27, 2007honey bunches of oats.
or peanut butter crunch.