20 years later

the counterThis afternoon I had lunch with the old college roomies and it was so much fun to see them and the kids too.

meetingWe met up at The Counter for some tasty burgers and onion strings and Kumquat got to finally meet little Micah who was born just 3 weeks before her.

groupAfterward, Sandy and Linda joined me on the UCLA campus for some photos with the Bruin.

DSC_9510 bruinIt was weird being back after so many years and I was so happy to have Kumquat there with me.

royceroyceSandy and Carl joined me farther up Bruin Walk to Royce Hall and it was like a walk up memory lane.  I had forgotten how beautiful the campus is and was a little giddy thinking about all our lunches on the steps with the fatty squirrels and the naps we used to take by the fountain.

sandyThose were fun times and I can’t believe it all started 20 years ago.

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