I shall call him Scrappy.

This is one of the goldfish in our pond in the patio. I found him floating upside-down and spinning around with the flow of the filter’s current. Around and around he went. I thought, “Hm…I guess it’s time to flush him.” Then suddenly, he wiggled, turned himself over, and swam away from the current. So I guess he was OK.
Later in the evening, I told Jes about this morning’s incident and we searched for him with the flashlight. At first we couldn’t find him but then later found him upside-down and stuck inside the container that holds our plants. Oh no…he croaked. So we poked him with the net to dislodge him from the container and he floated to the top. Just a moment later, he flipped himself over, and wiggled away. So, we scooped him up and plopped him into our empty fishbowl (AKA Farshie’s old studio). He’s now comfortably resting in his new home without a current to fight.

I looked up his quirky little problem and apparently it’s common with these ornamental goldfish. His air bladder is malfunctioning and he may or may not recover. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Until then, I shall call him Scrappy and maybe I’ll take him to work as our clinic mascot. He’s a “special” just like the little kids I treat!