Turtle and Dog Conquer Shady

Over the weekend, I went out for a run and ended up cutting it short because I was feeling lightheaded. I didn’t think it would be a good idea for me to pass out on the corner of Alton and Sand Canyon. I also went to the gym on Monday and had to stop after 20 mins on the treadmill due to the same icky thumpity-thump feeling I had in my chest. I could have sworn I was on the same treadmill last week going 6.7 mph without dying. What a disappointment. This afternoon, I decided to give it another try. Before I left, I jokingly said to Jes, “OK! I’m going out to make myself pass out now! Come looking for me if I don’t return in 45 mins.”
The sun was still up and the weather was warm enough to go out in shorts and a tee. With the doggie by my side, I headed out my usual way but later decided to take a detour towards “Shady”…Shady Canyon, that is. I used to run this trail all the time but for some reason it seemed especially daunting today. But I went and so did the dog.
We started out rather slow and chugged up the hill. It was just as steep as I remembered but felt like it was never going to come to an end. At the top of the hill I felt pretty good so we kept going. We watched the golfers play, admired the way the sun hit the tall grass, stopped for a couple sniffing/peeing breaks for the dog, and ended up going all the way through Shady Canyon to the other entrance. When I glanced at my watch, it said “1.5 mi”. Sweet. So I headed back to complete the 3-mile run. It was great. After two horrible workouts in a row, I felt like my legs and heart were finally back in sync. The dog didn’t look too bad either. He happily trotted beside me the whole time with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. I let him drink from the doggie drinking fountain on our way home and now he’s down for a long nap. Turtle and Dog conquered Shady today and here is the Garmin data to prove it.