Back to Cali
On Wednesday (10/10), Jason and Jia drove up from Southern California after returning from their month-long Asia trip. They moved into their new apartment in Foster City and bought some new furniture. The rest of their stuff arrived on Thursday morning.
We drove down to see them on Wednesday night and helped assemble their dining table set so that we could have dinner together. They live right next door to a 99 Ranch so I walked over to buy some meat and other items and then we sat down for a hot pot dinner. Yum!
We’re so happy to have Jason back in California after so many years and we’re so excited that Jia will be starting a new life on the west coast with him. Ah, it’s so nice to have family nearby.
Friday, October 12, 2012fun!
Saturday, October 13, 2012It was fun looking at this picture and finding kumquat at the bottom of the picture.