New Goal!
I simply love cookies and I just read this list of the Best 12 Cookies in SF and realized that I’ve had only one of the 12. Dang. I’m behind. So this is my new goal: Try every cookie on the list before I leave this city. I don’t think we’re moving out of SF any time soon but I suppose anything can happen, right?! So if we all of a sudden have to pack up and move to Hawaii or something, I will need to fulfill this goal before we move – even if I have to use up my last two days driving around the city picking up one of each!
So far the only one I’ve tried is the Gingersnap from Miette but I might be able to convince my co-worker to snag me a chocolate chip walnut from Mission Beach Cafe since his boyfriend is THE Alan Carter, the pastry chef.
Sunday, October 7, 2012omg, i want to eat this list too! i must find a levain-equivalent-type cookie out here!! yum, keep us posted.
Monday, October 8, 2012Tell Ryan to hook me up too!;) And I will totally accompany you on this mission if you need a buddy.:)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012AHHH!!! I’m running out of time! And by you guys moving out of SF, it means moving closer to us, right?