That’s SO yesterday.
Did you know that there are people out there in modern-day suburbs who still blatantly litter? When I was a kid, there were a bunch of TV ads that would remind us not to litter the streets and to put our trash in the trashcan. Remember Woodsy Owl and his saying, “Give a Hoot. Don’t Pollute.”? Apparently, we still need bring those ads back. Just the other day, I was driving out of my neighborhood when someone in the passenger seat of the car in front of me decided it would be a good idea to toss their half-full can of Diet Pepsi out the window and into the street. It was in the middle of the day and right in my neighborhood!! *Grr.* That was so aggravating! I wanted so badly to chase after them and make them go back and pick it up. There was another time when I was walking the dog and a couple came out from a neighbor’s house and got into their car. As I passed them, the girl in the passenger seat got in and paused before closing the door. She waited for me to pass, put her empty Starbucks cup on the curb, closed the door, and they sped off. Sheesh! Did she think I wouldn’t notice or something? Does the cup just suddenly get absorbed into the concrete in which she placed her magical cup? Is there a way to report these backwards people? I could have sworn there was a fine for littering.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Litterbug,
Is it too much trouble for you to hold onto your empty cup until you’ve reached a place where there are garbage cans? And didn’t you just come from someone’s house? I think they have garbage cans in there too. *Grr.*