8 weeks flew by

Tonight I had my last photography class and it was pretty neat to see everyone’s work laid out on the table.  We were asked to bring in our best photos from the past 8 weeks so that we could critique, comment, and admire.  It was a lot of fun learning how to better use my camera and the instructor was pretty cool.  He allowed us to ask specific questions about our own cameras and equipment and would sit down and figure stuff out with us.  I even learned some neat tricks for my speedlight today!  They also had an art exhibit that showcased all types of media from photographs, to drawings and paintings, to sculptures.  I’m inspired!  Now that I know how to use my camera in “manual” mode, the sky’s the limit!  Next semester, acrylic painting!  Haha.  A new renegade hobby for me!  Woo Hoo!

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