4 Months Later

On Friday I drove down to San Jose to visit Ishya (my cousin), Billy, and the twins who just turned 4 months.  It’s amazing how much they’ve grown since the first day I saw them.  When I arrived, they were finishing up a morning nap and then I helped feed them and played with them before going out to lunch. Thanks for sending me this photo, Ishya!!

All 5 of us piled into the car with Billy crammed in the middle of the two carseats in the back.  It was comical but seemed to work out.  Ishya and I grabbed lunch at Whole Foods while Billy had to take a work call.

The twins were in their stroller napping pretty much the whole time and we got to do some catching up in the sun.

After lunch, we headed back to the house and found both Grandmas already there.  Since I was going to be around for a little longer, we also called my uncle to come over.  It was nice to see them and they were just as excited to see me (and my belly).

Here are the twins up-close.  They took turns fussing this afternoon but had their moments to shine too.

This is Sadie.

And this is Theo.

Here are the rest of the photos.

One Comments

  • Sadie & Theo

    Saturday, March 31, 2012

    Thanks for coming to visit us! We can’t wait to meet Kumquat!

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