I could get used to this.

Today I had a brunch date with Ranee and little Sophie who is now 3 months old.  They flew in on Tuesday from NYC and we met up today at Rick and Ann’s Restaurant in Berkeley.  It was so nice to catch up with Ranee and we chatted over pancakes and waffles with a side of bacon and this awesome hash made of sweet potato, beets, onions, and bacon topped with creme fraiche.  Sounds weird but it was so good!

Sophie napped through our meal and then woke in time for a feeding and change outside.  We hung out in the courtyard for another two hours with coffee and Sophie and I got to meet and get to know each other.  She’s so sweet and smiles a lot.  She’s also recently discovered her hands and it’s so cute how she’s enamored by them.

After a while, I had forgotten that it was the middle of the day on a Friday.  I was having brunch and just hanging out without a care in the world…on a Friday!  Oh how nice it would be to be one of those “Ladies Who Lunch”.  I really could get used to this. Ranee just needs to move back to California (*wink wink*) so Kumquat and Sophie can have playdates every Tuesday morning while their Mommies sip coffee. 🙂  One can only dream…

Here a few more photos.

One Comments

  • Ranee

    Friday, March 23, 2012

    Awww we had so much fun!!! Missed you tons and could REALLY get used to you as my L.O.L. partner-in-crime.:) Sophie loved loved her Auntie Nina and cried the moment we left you.

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