
It’s January, I’m in Week 26, and I’ve got less than 100 days left before Kumquat arrives. All of a sudden I feel like there are things that I should be doing or should have done already. Meanwhile, I’m stuck because I’m feeling a bit clueless. Should I be signing up for classes? What if I wait too long and they’re all filled up?

It’s also time to build our gift registry but I really don’t know what we REALLY need on top of some generous hand-me-downs and gifts we’ve already received. How many newborn diapers do I need before they grow out of them? Will I need THAT many onesies and burp cloths as they say on some of the websites I’ve been reading? And where am I going to put it all?! I barely have room for the baby! *sigh*

Perhaps it’s time to visit my local Babies R Us for a little tutorial on the difference between a receiving blanket and a wearable blanket. Perhaps we don’t need anything at all and should just put the kid in a laundry basket and change her on a towel on top of the dresser. Hm. Any advice from those of you who’ve already gone through this would be helpful. I got an awesome Excel spreadsheet from Vyl the other day but that alone made me a little dizzy. Shouldn’t the “nesting” be the fun part?

20120111-234708.jpgBy the way, I had my second Glucose Screening today and the orange flavored sugar water was just as bad as the fruit punch. However, this time I chilled it first and it made it a bit easier to chug this morning.


  • Oregon totoro

    Thursday, January 12, 2012

    It is so overwhelming! D was in newborn diapers for a couple months and then she went into size 1. There is no such thing as too many diapers and wipes:) I also swear by pampers swaddlers.

    5 or 6 onesies was what I always had. She was a summer baby do she chilled in them a lot. You always need an extra one on hand in diaper bag for blowouts.

    My favorite swaddling/ recieving blankets are the gauzy kind (aiden and Anais?) target has them now. They are big enough to get a good swaddle and lightweight so they can breath through them.

    3 pieces of equipment I couldn’t go without: digital monitor, humidifier and sound machine!

    As far as classes go… We took a birthing class and that was somewhat helpful (maybe for my husband more)! We did not take a baby are class, the first diaper Brian changed in his life was hers and he was a pro right off the bat. Girls are easy when it comes to hygiene:) get a tub of aquavit to slather on the toushe! My 93 yr old grandma says “put a bunch of butter on that bum”! She has never had a diaper rash… Daphne not my grandmother!!!

    I took a nursing class and it was a joke! Until the baby is born that’s when you learn what kind of sucker they are. I spent 2 weeks working with lactation nurses after she was born and they were awesome. Good breast pump, lanolin, nursing pads, nursing bras and a couple of nursing tanks and you are good to go!

    One of your first outings will be to a babiesrus, we went a few days after she was born… Of course I ran into an ex boyfriend! I returned so much stuff I thought I would need and registered for.

    Don’t stress, have fun and things will fall into place!!!

  • Oregon totoro

    Thursday, January 12, 2012

    Oops typo above: aquaphor for the bottom
    Let me know how the 2nd glucose screening goes… I failed it so I have lots of gestational diabetes tips if you need them… Fingers crossed you don’t!

  • beakatude

    Friday, January 13, 2012

    Thanks for the advice, Totoro! Btw, I passed my Glucose Screening and my blood panel (hemoglobin, RBC, WBC, etc.) came out normal too. Yay!

  • Mom

    Friday, January 13, 2012

    Everything going to be OK 🙂

  • Patti

    Friday, January 13, 2012

    I agree with your mom- everything is going to be ok. 🙂 Just remember that a lot of the baby products and companies out there right now weren’t even in existence a few short years ago (even when I had Kaitlyn 7 yrs ago) so don’t overload yourself with tons of details and products you might not ever use. I’d recommend just getting a few basics that you’ll need for the beginning (basic clothes, diapers, blankets,etc) and then wait and see what you need and buy it as you need it. Don’t even register if you’re not sure what you’ll need- just hang onto the gift cards and buy stuff as you need it. Keep it simple – it’ll probably help you hang onto your sanity. 🙂

  • Michelle

    Wednesday, January 18, 2012

    Glad you got that scary excel spreadsheet from Vyl!

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