fire and snow

I was in our weekly staff meeting today when a teacher came in and said, “Uh, guys, I think there’s a house on fire.” We all stuck our heads out the door and whaddayaknow, the house across the street was up in flames! People rushed to their cars to move it onto the playground but mine was safe in the back parking lot. It was just amazing how it was blazin’ and no one had called the Fire Department. One of the teachers called 911 just in case and the operator said, “No ma’am, we weren’t aware of this fire. We’ll be right there.” It was really sad to see a home up in flames. That has to be one of my worst fears. Luckily the owners weren’t home but some of the neighbors were home. I bet some didn’t even realize that the house next door was on fire. Well, the emergency crew came and put the fire out and my meeting continued. That was the exciting part of my day.
In other news, Mammoth got 4 inches of snow in the past two days. Wow, I hope it keeps up. I wish it would start raining here too. My plants need watering. The season opens on November 9th, baby!! It’s time to go to SkiDazzle for some new skis! Just kidding, Jes.
Oh yeah, thanks for lunch today, Mommy!