Labor Day Weekend
Last weekend was pretty cool and we were in the company of good friends and family and ate the whole time.
On Friday night (9/2), Dayantha and Krissy flew up for the weekend and we all met up for drinks, then dinner, and then more drinks. We were out pretty late but it was fun having everyone together again.
The Suminos were also in town for the weekend so we met up with them at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning (9/3). It was so fun to see them all again and the boys are getting so big. We took them to Roli Roti and had the Porchetta Sammich.
It was so fun to see Brandon hold it with just one hand and stuff his face. That’s my boy!
Cole was insatiable and even got his own cone of meat from the salumeria inside the Ferry Building. No wonder he’s getting so tall.
Later that afternoon, we drove to Alameda. I dropped Jes off at Jimmy and Eleen’s where Dayantha and Krissy were staying. I then went down the street to KM’s house to see Mai (in town from LA) and Ranee (in town from NYC). We were supposed to go to Zachary’s for pizza but ended up having an impromptu potluck with Stephanie’s buffalo chicken dip and Mai had bought two containers of ja jang myun. Tasty.
Afterward, I went back to the Agustin House where I got to make my very own elephant necklace thanks to Eleen’s help and supplies.
Krissy made a pair of fancy earrings too. I’m so inspired! Might have to start making my own stuff again.
That was just Friday night and Saturday. More to come on the rest of the weekend… Here are some photos.