Lots of Ladies

The Bridesmaids and I threw Patty her Bridal Shower yesterday. It started out at the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel where three of us got spa treatments. Patty and Alice got massages while I got a much-needed pedicure. I felt so bad for my manicurist. After a week of walking around in slippas in Hawaii, my feet were looking prettty gnarly. I actually apologized to the girl ahead of time.
Later, we went back to my house where nine of Patty’s friends were waiting for us to arrive. It was so nice to see so many of Patty’s friends together in one place. There was food, games, and of course, gifts. I think she had a really good time.
For dinner we went to The Melting Pot for fondue. It’s a really interactive place where we all ate cheese, meats, and chocolate together. The challenge for the evening was to dip your meat in without losing it. Easier said than done.
Meanwhile, Jesse was upstairs all day playing on his computer. He would dart down and back up the stairs to avoid all the extra estrogen in the house. Koa enjoyed the company of the ladies, however, and mingled amongst the food and doting girls all afternoon.