Day Off

Yesterday was President’s Day and while I went to work, Jes had the day off.  Before I left for work, I put a Post-It on the computer that said “Dog needs a walk and food.  Store opens at 11.”  When I got home, I asked him how his day was and he replied, “Meh.”

Today I got an email from the Husband with the subject line stating: “My Day Off” with a link to this picture.  I think this is what he wished he did yesterday because he actually did walk the dog and picked up two 5-pound bags of dog food.  On top of that, he vacuumed the house, bought groceries at Safeway, and made that delicious roasted chicken in yesterday’s post.  I’m not sure I’ll be this lucky next time.

One Comments

  • Johnny

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    looks like heaven.

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