making friends

Last week I went to “My Gym” with Marie and Cole. Since it’s a “parent-participation” activity, I needed to man the video camera and I took some photos as well. It gave me a chance to practice taking action shots of children, which is a lot more challenging that I expected. With so many kids running around, I couldn’t blind them with the flash, so it was tough for me capture the right shots with the flourescent lights above and Cole’s quick moves.
Another funny thing that I witnessed was Cole’s emerging personality. He’s such a go-getter with a rough-play personality. At one point, he walked over to this other child and grabbed him by the shirt. Since he can’t talk yet, that was basically his way of saying, “Hey, let’s play!” Unfortunately, it made the other baby cry and his mom wasn’t very understanding. Ah, Taku-chan…you’re going to be some trouble-maker later on but it’s going to take you far in life too.
Here are the photos.