Creative and kinda Crazy

(click on image for movie trailer)

For those of you who know me, I LOVE LOVE LOVE “My Neighbor Totoro“.  Well, last summer, Miyazaki released a new movie called “Ponyo” and I FINALLY got to watch it.  It came in the mail today and I watched it right away with such delight.  I sat on the couch in my PJs with a blanket on my lap and a frozen strawberry bar in hand and felt like I was 5 again.  I had no idea what to expect of the movie since the trailer makes it look a little creepy but it was so much more fun and was a little crazy at the same time.  In the same “Totoro” style, there’s an intermingling of reality and fantasy and a lot of innocence.  On top of that, I absolutely adore hand-drawn animation and Miyazaki is THE best. Ah…I can go to bed happy now.

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