Avert your eyes!

This has been such a busy week at work. We call it “Kindergarten Transition Week”. In other words, no kids come to school because all the grown-ups are too busy gathering around a tiny knee-high table talking about where they should go next year for Kindergarten and how much therapy they will need. Well, as the only therapist at the preschool, my poor intern and I have been driving from school to school, sitting through meeting after meeting, and looking at documents with tiny print until we’re cross-eyed. I can barely remember whose meeting I went to just this morning! Anyway, it’s Wednesday and I have two more days to endure. I didn’t think sitting around all day could be more tiring than chasing kids around but I think it might be.
Things I’ve thought about during my meetings:

  • “I wonder if I could hang our summer jellyfish projects from the clinic ceilings the same way this teacher has: paperclip+string+clothespin…clever.”
  • “99 Ranch, tofu, kimchee, soybean juice, mochi ice cream…mmm…mochi ice cream”
  • “Did I close the garage door this morning?”
  • “This dad looks like the dad in ‘American Pie’.”
  • “I wish I could trade places with Koa right now. I could use a long nap.”
  • “That lady seated across from me is too large to be wearing a denim skirt that tight and short. I wish the table was higher…eew.”

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