Nice guys finish last…

Jes went on his first sailing race today and had a fun time out on the water.

Yesterday we stopped at the sailing suppy store (yes, it does exist) to buy him a pair of pants and a personal flotation device (life jacket).  We decided on the less-expensive items this time around since he’s just a nublet (a cute word for newbie).  Jes completed his certification in Basic Coastal Cruising a few weeks ago and got on a “crew list” that allows an owner of a sailboat to email you for help on his boat.  Basically, if you’re a guy that has a boat and wants to race, you need a crew of guys to help you race it.  A guy contacted Jes the other day and they went out today for a little race against 6 other teams in the Bay off the Berkeley Marina.

There was nice wind and Jes worked the jib sheets and sat on the rail all day and in the end came in last…actually, he’s not sure but it was close.  I guess it doesn’t really matter because the had a great time.

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