The house is warm now.

Dude, it’s 11:45 am and I just got up. Johnny had a little housewarming party on Friday and we all made the trip up to warm up his house. There was dip. There was a sink filled with Coors Light. Eurotrip was playing on the TV. What more do you need? Anyway, we had a good time getting Johnny liquored up and left early enough for him to get a little bit of shut eye for his surf lesson in the morning…not really. I don’t think we got home until 3:00 am. My brudda is all growns up with a place of his own. The studio is only a few years old with modern appliances and a lot more room than I expected. The only downside is that there’s no fridge. Oh well, at least it has a working dishwasher that Johnny just learned how to use.