OK…we’re back now.

We arrived in SF on Saturday night around 9 pm.  It’s back to reality for now.  The weather is cooler here but the rain is trippin’ me out!  Why does it seem like it’s raining everywhere in the world right now?  Anyway, Mommy is still here and we took her out for some Dim Sum and Thai food on Sunday.   But that was after we had McDonald’s breakfast as our first meal back in SF.  I truly missed having an American breakfast of eggs, meat, and potatoes.  The cappuccinos were good there but I also missed regular coffee.  Ah…there’s nothing like brewing my usual cup of coffee and enjoying it with a Big Breakfast.

I tossed and turned on Saturday night and woke up every hour until 4 am when I simply gave up.  It’s now Monday morning and I managed to get 6 hours of sleep but I got up again at 4 am.  I even stayed up all day without a nap and this still happens?!  I’m sitting here in the dark with my laptop on as Mommy’s sleeping in the livingroom and Jes is still…wait…I hear a stirrin’…nevermind…he’s awake now too.  I’m tempted to go to work super early but I probably won’t.

Photos are slowly getting processed and I should have updates on each city this week.


  • Johnny

    Thursday, September 17, 2009

    waiting …

  • Giftay

    Friday, September 18, 2009

    welcome back! can’t wait to see the photos!

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