Sunday Streets in the Mission
This morning I got up early to take Jes to the airport for a 9 am flight to NYC. Once I got home, I got a message from Ryan that they were going out to The Mission for Sunday Streets. “Sunday Streets” is basically a relatively new idea that involves closing down streets in certain neighborhoods to allow residents to roam the streets, get some exercise, and get a taste of the local shops and flavors.
Jack had a great time running in the middle of the street making sure to stomp on each of the manholes. He almost got to play with a ladybug that landed on Ryan’s shorts (above photo) but it got smushed. Boo… There were lots of people riding bikes, rollerskates, and pushing strollers.
I got to check out the different stores along the route and we stopped for lunch at Chavita’s Numero Dos, which turned out to be rather tasty. Jack LOVED the horchata and I don’t think Michelle got much of her drink.
We also stopped at a playground and tried to convince Jack that going down slides was fun. I’m not so sure he was convinced. By the end of the morning, we were all tired and full and had a fun day in the sun.
Thanks for taking me along, guys! Bee-too-bee had fun!
Here are the rest of the photos.
Monday, July 20, 2009nice snaps. we will have to get to originals and print some of them up.