Turtles and Rainbows

napili bay

On our last day in Maui, Jes and I had a relaxing day in the sunshine.  In the morning, we had a free brunch at the hotel, complements of Auntie Kiyomi, who gave us their leftover vouchers.  We then took a walk through Lahaina to check out the little shops.  Then it was off to Kapalua for lunch at a cute little place overlooking Napili Bay.  After we finished eating, we walked down to the rocks and got a kick out of watching the turtles hanging out in the waves.


Jes tried to get up-close for photos but this is all he could get…a shell and part of his head.  For dinner, we went to Lahaina Grill for a tasty New York Steak.  Yes, we had steak.  After a week of fish, pork, and fruit, it was really yummy.


On Thursday morning, we woke up to pouring rain.  I guess it was a good day to be flying back to SF.  On our morning drive to the airport I saw a huge rainbow but no whales in the water.


blue water

I saw another rainbow as we flew over Maui and the water was so blue!  In Honolulu, we had a 3-hour layover but the time passed quickly.


Our flight back to SF was smooth and we watched “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” on Jes’ laptop.  Since it was filmed in Hawaii, it was a nice way to prolong our trip just a little longer.


It was a great trip and a true vacation.  We hadn’t stayed at such an enormous luxo resort for so many consecutive days since our honeymoon.  It was nice spending time with my family, getting some desperately-needed sunshine, and just relaxing.  I can’t wait for the next vacation!

We got home to a happy dog that had some tummy troubles over the week but he was fine.  I think he had his own wild and crazy week at Smush’s house.  I also got home to a message from my manager, who offered me the day off today.  I couldn’t resist so I had a free day at home catching up on tv shows, doing laundry, and even a discounted pedicure.  Now I’m ready for the weekend!

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