
lava flow

Above: My lava flow; Below: Jes checking out the view


Crackberry camera did a pretty good job!

Aloha from Waikiki!  Jes and I arrived at noon today and we couldn’t wait to get our hands on a nice refreshing beverage.  The weather is very pleasant today with a nice tradewind, less humidity, gentle sun, and occasional sprinkles for a nice cooling effect.  We did a little shopping for stuff to wear for tomorrow’s wedding and met up with the family for a bit.  Jes is taking a nap, Brother is relaxing in the courtyard with Joy, and I’m just watching the sunset from our balcony.


Yoon was kinda enough to pick us up from the airport and helped check us in to the hotel at a special Kama’aina rate.  On top of that, with Jes’ SPG membership, they upgraded us from a city view room to a partial ocean view room.  Score!  Anyway, it’s nice to finally be on vacation and in the presence of family that I don’t get to see very often.  Let the festivities begin!

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