Snow Day!


Saturday turned out to be a day of playing in the snow after all. It just didn’t involve skis. Ryan and his sister made an enormous snowman.


Koa got to hang out with the horses, smell the chickens, and run off-leash in the snow.

Vyl and I made a snowboard ramp and a bunch of snowballs to throw at Bang. Ryan and Bang tried out the ramp but it was kinda of a dud considering the snow was super slushy by the time it was ready.


In the meantime, Jes took a super nap with the heater on in the apartment and Jack wasn’t having a very good day, which made Ryan’s supposed day off a little stressful.

messy face

Little J was super clingy and grumpy, didn’t eat very much, and didn’t appreciate the snow either.

crying viking

Poor little guy must have really missed his mommy ‘cuz he got all worked up and ended took 2 monster naps that afternoon.

Once Jes woke up from his nap, he tried the X3 chains on our tires and they sorta fit. It will just have to do. The afternoon ended with a really yummy ribs dinner made by Ryan’s mom complete with pasta salad, potato salad, and corn bread.

clear road

At 5 pm, it was time to head out. Ryan drove ahead of us with his mom’s truck and we made it out of the rough spots with a couple slips but the chains really saved us. We lucked out on the weather (no snow or rain) and got home by 8 pm. It’s a good thing we left when he did because it started pouring overnight and today was blustery and stormy as well. I guess we’ll just have to try again next time.

Here are the photos from the trip.

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