Chugging Along

I’ve been chugging along these past couple weeks with work and running.

At work, I’m transitioning from the Outpatient service to the Acute Inpatient Rehab service.  This means juggling my usual schedule of 20-25 patients/week with the one patient (staying in the hospital) that needs to be seen twice daily.  It has certainly been quite an experience so far but luckily I’m paired up with my favorite PT, a good friend of mine, who keeps me laughing and in check as I’m learning the ropes.  The only bummer about this new assignment is that I have to see him at 8:15 in the morning, which is 45 minutes earlier than usual for me. I also have a student following me around all week, which has slowed me down a little bit.  Luckily she’s fun to have around.

As for the half marathon training, I’m up to 6 miles now with a little under 2 months to go.  I’m on a steady routine of 3-4 days/week of running, which includes the Long Run on the weekend.  I’ve been injury-free so far (knock on wood) and it’s getting a little easier each week.  Last week I ran from my house to Fisherman’s Wharf and back, which was a little crazy trying to dodge all the tourists and street performers.  I may need to rethink my route for this weekend.

This week it’s been raining and I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to go skiing for the first time this season.  I was told that I wasn’t needed at work on Monday after all so it looks like Tahoe may be in my near future…this weekend perhaps?!

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