
We went to Epcot today. Ryan tried to convince the ticket lady to give us the Florida price so we could get a park-hopper pass at a discount but it didn’t work…boo. So, we spent the day at Epcot and didn’t see Mickey even once. There were some cool rides including “Test Track”, which simulated being in a car on a test track going through hairpin turns and feeling the difference between ABS brakes and wihtout. We also rode “Mission: Space”, which is known for making people throw up. It involves putting you in an enclosed pod and strapped in as if you’re going into space. They have you watch a holographic monitor while spinning you so hard that you feel the G-forces on your body as if you’re actually in a slingshot around the moon. I held tightly to the barfbag they provided in the pod and kept my head pressed against the headrest. What made these rides more interesting was the fact that the Epcot Center readily sells alcohol next to the pretzels and ice cream. Jes challenged Bang to drinking as many pints of beer as humanly possible. It was like being in Vegas…walking around the park with a beer in your hand…felt kind of illegal. Well, each time Jes and Bang purchased a Bud Light, we got in line for a ride. They allow you to stand in line with the beer but then make you get rid of it before getting on the ride. So, Jes and Bang ended up having to chug their beers each time we went on a ride. I’m surprised neither of them threw up. I also made a challenge to Tob that afternoon. I bet him a pint of ice cream if he could eat one of every item on the ice cream menu, which added up to seven different items. He went for it and I was getting a little sick watching him.
For a late lunch, we stopped in “Germany” one of the featured countries around the lake. We ate at the Biergarten for a German buffet, huge 1-litre mugs of beer, and entertainment. Those musicians were pretty talented…playing one of those long horns that start from the stage and sit on the floor. Jes kept saying, “this is the best place ever!” I guess it was because that one litre of beer there was way cheaper than 2 pints of Bud Light in the park. We also learned the German pronunciation of Lowenbrau…this lunch was quite educational.
We spent the rest of the day walking around in each of the other countries while Jes and Bang drank more beer. There was also a Charlie Horse War and an Ass-Kicking Contest throughout the evening. Everyone was pooped out by 7:30 so they went home. Jes and i stayed after to watch the fireworks at 9:30. Good times…
By the way, Tob won. He ate a total of seven items: 1) Nestle Crunch Ice Cream Bar, 2) Mickey Cookies and Cream Sandwich, 3) Rainbow Popsicle, 4) Chocolate-dipped Ice Cream Mickey, 5) Strawberry Bar, 6) Chocolate-dipped Frozen Banana, and 7) Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich. *sigh* I guess I owe him a pint of ice cream now.

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