Is that carrot or bell pepper?

If you had to choose between your abilit y to hear and your ability to see, which would you be willing to give up? I just had a conversation about this and decided that I would prefer to lose my hearing. I think I’d be ok with not being able to hear again. I’d be fine if I couldn’t use my iPod anymore and I would certainly have a lot more patience with the screaming kids at work. I couldn’t use the phone anymore but who needs to anymore with all the text and instant messaging available? I’d be so sad and lost without my vision tghough. I’d have to put my cameras away. I wouldn’t see the expressions on the faces of my friends and family. And don’t get me started about the number of falls and bruises I’d have. My proprioception is bad enough with my sight already compensating.
Today I got an itty-bitty taste of life without sight when I got my eyes checked. In the middle of the examination, the optometrist asked me to take out my contacts and just toss them in the trash. She said that she’d replace them with a new pair once she figured out my new prescription. Well, I thought we were almost done so I didn’t think twice about the request. Little did I know that it would take another 20-30 minutes before I could see clearly again. The office was a total blur and trying to maintain eye contact with the optometrist was giving me a headache. Since I had to go back to work that afternoon, I had to return in the evening to get my pupils dilated. Well, that was another interesting experience. My pupils were almost the size of dimes and I could sort of make out distant figures but certainly could not see close-up. So when Jes and I went to dinner right afterwards, I couldn’t read the menu, I couldn’t see my food, and everything was a little lesss enjoyable. I was so afraid of getting a super Thai chili surprise in my mouth since I couldn’t really tell what was on my plate or spoon. So there you have it…my hunch was confirmed. I would lose my hearing any day. By the way, I’m typing with compromised vision at the moment so forgive me if there are typos.

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