We went to
Daddy’s Lounge in Hollywood last night. The bar was dark and chill with lots of big couches and ottomans. There was an eclectic mix of music ranging from Black Eyed Peas to Jeff Buckley. We met up with a bunch of friends including Dayantha, Jimmy, Yoon, Mike (Yoon’s brother), Holly, Roy, Tinou, and Matt. They all brought friends too so it was your traditional holiday weekend gathering for some drinks.

Afterwards, some of us got some infamous “LA Danger Dogs” from the cart outside. Boy, I could smell those bacon-wrapped hotdogs from inside the bar. So good… Meanwhile, Jes pushed Dayantha to the floor for fun and that was all we heard about for the rest of the night from Dayantha. He kept threatening him back with “December 23rd”. I suppose that means Dayantha will be getting him back at the Christmas Party. We ended the night at Denny’s to sober up a bit and then headed home. It was another crazy night.